Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Cancer - The Chemical Connection

Cancer has become an epidemic with over 200 different types. Some will argue the increased incidence is due to the rise in life expectancy. Admittedly, we do live much longer now than 100 years ago but that alone does not explain the increase.

Everyday we are exposed to numerous pollutants and you would have to be incredibly deluded not to make some association between modern society and ill health.

"You have cancer" must be one of the most frightening phrases a person can hear and thankfully my recent scare proved benign. However, with 1 in 2 of all men and 1 in 3 of all women developing some form of cancer in their lifetime it's something many will experience. In 1901 it was 1 in 8000.

Cancer has become an epidemic with over 200 different types. Some will argue the increased incidence is due to the rise in life expectancy. Admittedly, we do live much longer now than 100 years ago but that alone does not explain the increase.

Cancer is not an infectious disease and appears to be related to advances in our civilised life-style. Most scientists agree at least 80% of all cancers are related to toxins and carcinogens and in isolated communities where synthetic and toxic chemicals are uncommon and pollution is rare, so is cancer.

The disease is caused when constant exposure overwhelms the body's natural immune system and we lose the ability to purge the toxins and chemicals. The continual build up causes healthy cells to mutate and eventually affects critical life processes.

Scientific research suggests diet and life style play a major role in the prevention or onset of cancer. Unfortunately chemicals are everywhere and we find them in the foods we eat, our water, the products we use and the air we breathe.

As a nation we are better fed than we have ever been and yet when it comes to vitamins and minerals we are incredibly malnourished. Our over farmed soils are depleted of natural nutrients and the wide spread use of pesticides, insecticides and fertilisers as well as airborne industrial pollutants makes our crops a hazard to health.

The body is an amazing machine but even the strongest immune system is hard pressed to battle the amount of chemicals we are faced with on a daily basis.

Life style choices such as smoking and sun worship are two common causes of cancer despite all the health warnings. Not all smokers develop cancer but their likelihood of getting it increases with the number of years they have been smoking.

Skin cancer is caused by excessive exposure to intense sunlight but you can protect yourself from sun damage by limiting exposure, staying covered as much as possible and using a high quality NON-TOXIC lotion that blocks out the full spectrum of solar rays. However, many over the counter sun block creams and lotions contain known carcinogens and toxic chemicals which build up over time and predispose sun bathers to melanoma. Health and beauty do not always go together.

Your skin is the largest eliminatory organ in the body. It is a two-way membrane. Toxins are eliminated through the skin via perspiration and absorbed into the body through hair follicles and sebaceous glands. One square inch of skin contains 65 hairs and 100 sebaceous glands. This means if you put a chemical compound on your skin your body is likely to absorb it. You have a lot of hairs and sebaceous glands.

Impurities in the personal care products industry are not restricted. In USA the FDA admit "Cosmetics and their ingredients are not required to undergo approval before they are sold. Manufacturers can use any ingredients, except for 10 prohibited substances, without government review".

Despite the known dangers associated with many of the ingredients in cosmetics, skin care and personal care products, some manufacturers continue to use them. This is because they are inexpensive. Products can be created that look, feel and smell good for little money but which produce huge profits. That's good for the beauty business but what is the real cost to you?

A UK study discovered traces of methylparabens in breast cancer tumours. This harmful synthetic chemical is commonly used in body creams, lotions, washes, anti-perspirants and deodorants. The only way to ensure health and beauty really do go together is to seek 100% harmful synthetic chemical free cosmetics, personal and skin care products.

Fortunately there is a company which produce a range made from purely natural ingredients Certified Organic to Food Standards. These are so safe you could even eat them.

Currently the only skin care products on the planet to have submitted to independent 3rd party certification, the active ingredients feed and nourish the skin with bio available nutrients. With NO harmful synthetic ingredients to cause health problems these Certified Organic Cosmetic and Skin Care products prove that health and beauty can go together.

Now doesn't that give you peace of mind?

About the Author:
For details of the World's First cosmetic, skin and personal care products certified to Food Grade Standards free of toxins and harmful synthetic chemicals see www.bestorganicsforhealth.com Jean Shaw is the author of I'm Not Naughty, I'm Autistic and Autism, Amalgam and Me www.jeanshaw.com
Submitted on 2006-09-13
Article Source: http://www.articlesarea.com/

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