Monday, February 12, 2007

Deciding on radiation. Breast cancer.

I opted not to have radiation after mastectomy and chemotherapy. It was advised by my oncologist, surgeon and radiologist. I sought a second opinion from a radiologist at another hospital with the same results; even though I had had a mastectomy, because of lymph node involvement (I had 8 positive for cancer) radiation to the chest and underarm area was advised.

I did my own research and discovered that only one major study had been done to show that there was some benefit from radiation for patients who had a mastectomy. The usual protocol until this study was to use radiation primarily on patients who had a lumpectomy.

Radiation scared me more than chemotherapy. Others have claimed the opposite, that they would prefer not having infusion, but rather surgery and only radiation. One radiologist scoffed at my questions, which is why I sought another opinion. The second radiologist answered my inquiries in depth. He agreed that radiation cannot be completely controlled. This means that other organs can be affected although not targeted. This would only be in a very tiny amount, even though the radiation you receive for breast cancer is considered small, however, that was enough to scare me. Survivors who receive radiation will tell you as much as 20 years later that their lungs, or heart, or something seems to have been damaged, and, it cannot be confirmed, but they name radiation to the chest wall as the culprit.

We have enough to scare us as breast cancer patients, so you may wonder why I would bring this up now. Frankly, I bring it up now because we all know that side effects from drugs and treatment are what we endure for a lifetime. I think we need to be honestly advised of what they are and how dangerous they can be for our future well-being. I am finding that doctors and researchers, even those with the best of intentions are far more concerned with eradicating cancer than the state we are left in when it is gone.

Even winners get wounded in the fight, and as survivors many of us are the walking wounded. Talk to your doctor, get all the facts, take your time and make a decision “you” can live with.

About the Author:
Kathy-Ellen Kups
Kathy's blog can be found at For more information, articles and programs about Breast Cancer and other cancers please visit
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