Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lung Cancer - RADIATION As A Treatment Option

Because of the advanced stages of some lung cancer, surgery is not an option. This depends on the location of the tumor/tumors or the overall health of the person. In these types of cases, an oncologist will most likely advocate radiotherapy for the treatment. Even though surgery may be an option, you may find the doctor suggesting this type of treatment either before surgery to help shrink the tumor or after the surgery to help eradicate any of the remaining cancerous cells.

Radiation therapy - what is it?
Radiotherapy - is high powered x-rays that are 'beamed' at the location of the cancer cells which in turn destroys the rapidly dividing cells. Unfortunately, during this process the radiotherapy kills off both the healthy cells as well as the cancerous cells in that location. However, there are methods of delivering the radiotherapy that will minimize the side effects on the healthy cells.

EBT - external beam therapy or radiotherapy, is a highly focused beam of radiation that is aimed directly at the edges of the tumor site. Due to the concentration, EBT minimizes the chance of damaging the healthy cells. EBT is delivered in 'fractions', i.e. short durations of radiation that are spread out over several weeks time. According to current studies, the best effects are achieved when there are more frequent, shorter fractions than in larger fractions spread out over a longer period of time. Talk with your doctor about which will be the best timing for you.

Often times this therapy will be used to alleviate symptoms even though it won't actually cure by itself. Doctors may prescribe radiotherapy before or after a surgery and is designed to shrink the tumor or make it less active. Doctors may suggest brachytherapy instead of using an external beam. Brachytherapy is a procedure which implants small radioactive seeds directly at the site of the cancer. Brachytherapy can open up blocked airways by reducing the size of the tumors blocking the bronchi or windpipe. Brachytherapy can also help stop bleeding in tumors.

Conformal radiation therapy is another type of therapy. With this therapy a CAT scan helps create a 3-D image of the tumor and shape the x-ray beams precisely to the size and shape of the tumor. When using conformal radiation therapy, the damage to the surrounding tissues is nearly eliminated completely. Intensity modulated radiation therapy can be fine tuned so that it only affects certain areas of the tumor. This form of precision therapy works with a CAT scan to target only the cancerous cells.

Any suspicion that the tumor may have spread, as is often the case with small cell, your oncologist will very likely suggest a course of chemotherapy either before, after or concurrently with radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is localized therefore the beam is focused directly at the cancerous cells. Using radiotherapy in conjunction with chemotherapy, will normally offer a better chance of clearing up the tumor completely and preventing a recurrence. Radiotherapy is rarely recommended as the sole treatment.

About the Author:
Carlie Edwards publishes online articles & useful information for Women. For more info visit Resource Tips For a variety of related topics visit Health-And-Beauty-Worx.Com
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What Is Cancer?

Cancer does not just happen. Normal healthy cells don't just spontaneously, metamorphose into abnormal cells unless deprived, debilitated, poisoned and damaged.

Cancer! The BIG C! The very word strikes fear into the patient who has been told that he or she has it. People say, "I got cancer," as if some cancer bacteria or virus had decided to settle into their body at random. They were picked. Bad luck!

Cancer is looked at as a death sentence. And because cancer is not understood, that is often the end result.

What is cancer? If disease is not something we "catch," how does cancer fit into this understanding? Can cancer actually be cured, or avoided altogether?

Cancer is not the beginning of a disease. Cancer is the result of a disease process that has been going on in the body for a long time. Cancer does not just happen. Normal healthy cells don't just spontaneously, metamorphose into abnormal cells unless deprived, debilitated, poisoned and damaged.

Nobody develops cancer, except that over many years their health slowly and progressively succumbed to 20-40-60-80 such causes interacting and working together.

Cancer is the result of the body storing toxins in its effort to survive longer. If the body did not store the toxins, encased in a tumor for example, they would be free to range throughout the body in the bloodstream, thereby causing the death of vital tissues and organs much sooner.

Cancer has a multitude of contributing factors, such as: heredity, beliefs, attitudes, habits, excesses, nutrition, environmental pollutants, and stresses, as well as various carcinogens like radiation, pesticides, toxic chemicals, dioxins, and asbestos - to name a few.

It is an enzyme deficiency and an autointoxication disease. It is a failure of the body's cells to obtain all the building materials essential for their construction and functioning.

It is also the result of excess toxicity, which affects and eventually destroys cells, or transforms them into abnormal, wild, growing cells.

Cancer's Common Denominators

After he lost his brother to cancer, Ron Gdanski began to research the subject, and eventually wrote a book entitled CANCER Cause, Cure, and Cover-up. His research concluded that fermentation of sugars at the cellular level is present in all cancers: Cancer is caused by the cellular environment.

Genetic defects do not create the capacity for human cells to metabolize nutrients without oxygen. Limiting the oxygen supply or disrupting the citric acid cycle leads to fermentation . As soon as oxygen reaches the cells, the citric acid cycle can be reestablished, fermentation stops, and microbial life destroyed.

Cancer, above all else, is a cellular oxygen deficiency disease. The research of Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize-winning biochemist in the 1930s, concluded that the prime cause of cancer is impaired cell respiration.

Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes.

Almost anything can cause cancer. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen (oxidation of sugar) in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar.

All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation.

In every case, during the cancer development, the oxygen respiration always falls, fermentation appears, and the highly differentiated cells are transformed into fermenting anaerobes, which have lost all their body functions and retain only the now useless property of growth and replication.

Thus, when respiration disappears, life does not disappear, but the meaning of life disappears, and what remains are growing machines that destroy the body in which they grow. Lack of cellular oxygen is directly related to acidity of body systems.

Terminal cancer patients are approximately 500 to 1000 times more acidic than normal healthy people. Cancer will not occur in a pH-balanced body.

About the Author:
Ron Garner, BEd, MSc, is the author of "Conscious Health." Now you can unravel the mystery of how the body operates, restore vitality, and learn how health problems can be reversed the Natural way. Just visit:
Submitted on 2006-12-01
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Monday, January 29, 2007

Mammograms - Who Needs Them?

Perhaps no aspect of breast cancer is more widely publicized than screening mammography. Ads on television, in magazines, and in the daily paper urge women to deal with fear about breast cancer by having a yearly mammogram. We’re even told that doing this is a way to “really care for yourself.”

But screening mammograms don’t prevent breast cancer. A mammogram is an x-ray and x-rays cause cancer. The ads promoting regular screening mammography are paid for by those who stand to profit from their widespread acceptance and use - the manufacturers of the equipment and x-ray film. Whose health does this technology really benefit? Women’s health? Or corporate health?

If You Decide to Have a Mammogram

  • Get the best, even if it means a long journey.
  • Go where they specialize, preferably where they do at least 20 mammograms a day.
  • Be sure the facility is accredited by the American College of Radiology.
  • Insist on personnel who specialize in mammograms. (Taking and reading mammograms are skills that require intensive training and a lot of practice.)
  • Ask how old the equipment is. Newer equipment exposes the breasts to less radiation. A dedicated unit (one specifically for mammograms) is best.
  • Ask how they ensure quality control. When was their unit calibrated?
  • Load your blood with carotenes by eating a cup of cooked sweet potato, winter squash, or carrots every day for a week before the mammogram to prevent radiation damage to your DNA.
  • Expect to be cold and uncomfortable during the mammogram, but do say something if you’re being hurt.
  • The more compressed the breast tissue, the clearer the mammogram. (But pressure may spread cancer cells if they are present.)
  • If your breasts are tender, reschedule. During your fertile years, schedule mammograms for 7–10 days after your menstrual flow begins.
  • Don’t wear antiperspirant containing aluminum; it can interfere with the imaging process. (Those clear stones do contain aluminum, as do most commercial antiperspirants.)
  • If you want another opinion, you’ll need the original mammographic films, not copies. (X ray facilities only keep films for 7 years.)
  • Get your doctor to agree, in writing, before the procedure, to give you a copy of your mammogram. The U.S. Public Health Service advises women to ask for written results from a mammogram.
  • Given the high percentage of “false normal” mammograms, if you think you have cancer, trust your intuition.
  • Remove radioactive isotopes from your body with burdock root, seaweed or miso.

Remember: Mammograms don’t promote breast health. Breast self-massage, breast self-exam, and lifestyle changes do.

Breast Meditation

Sit comfortably in front of a large mirror in a warm, private space. Bare your breasts. Look in the mirror. Tell your breasts something like: “I love you. You are just the way you are supposed to be. I see your perfection. I know your beauty. I honor your power.” Use your own words. Repeat as many times as you like. When you are done, close your eyes. Slowly bring your hands up and cup them under your breasts. Say: “My breasts are healthy. My breasts are powerful.” Open your eyes and look at yourself in the mirror, saying, “My breasts are my strength. My strength nourishes me and others.” Close your eyes and let your hands return to your lap. Sit quietly and breathe as you visualize glowing pink clouds within your breasts spiraling in toward your nipples for a minute. Continuing to breathe; let this sparkling pink energy spiral out for a minute. As you breathe, imagine the energy doing figure eights from breast to breast for a minute. Finally, imagine that you are plunging your hands into vibrant pink energy. Feel it flowing up your arms, through your armpits and out of your nipples. Open your eyes, smile at yourself in the mirror, and come out of the meditation.

About the Author:
Susun Weed
PO Box 64
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Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.
Added: Tue Feb 28 2006
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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Consuming More Calories After Intestine Cancer Leads To A Longer Life

French study by some of its most noted scientists has surprised the professional medical world. Their studies have dismissed the well accepted theory that a diet plentiful in calories plays a factor in promoting the generation of cancer in the intestines.

Through their stringent observations over a five year period of cancer patients with intestinal cancer they found that a calorie rich diet also helps to actually increase the chances of outliving an intestinal cancer that has been removed through an operation.

French researchers in a study with 148 cancer patients proved this connection. Those patients who lived a calorie conscious lifestyle before their cancer diagnosis had a clearly higher mortality rate risk than their suffering counterparts after the operational removal of the tumor.

A negative for the saying a balanced nutrition.

The medical profession from the Marie Christine Boutron Ruault of the Paris Institute studied and evaluated the data of 97 men and 51 women who had their intestinal cancer removed through operations. The researchers particularly studied the eating habits of the patients before they were diagnosed with cancer. This was apart from the age, sex and situation of the tumor within the intestine and was found to be crucial for the chances for survival of the patients.

According to the facts of the researchers 50 of the patients nourished themselves on a calorie rich diet, 48 patients lived an approximate balanced diet and 50 patients were extremely calorie conscious.

Within five years the mortality rate after the intestinal cancer operation within those who had a balanced diet was 46 per cent and/or 22 patients which proved to be the highest. With the patients who led a calorie conscious lifestyle nutrition the ratio was 36 per cent, which corresponded to 18 deaths. Those who clearly ate too sumptuously lived the longest, only six patients or 12 per cent from this group died as the consequences of the intestinal cancer.

Special food which could have affected the mortality rate or alcohol and tobacco consumption was not taken into account and did not seem to play any substantial influence.

The results of this study were surprising to many researchers due to a calorie rich diet long being regarded as jointly responsible for the emergence of intestine cancer but it now quite possibly could be the exact opposite.

Intestinal cancer ranks among the most frequent cancer forms in the western industrialized countries. Usually it is discovered too late which makes the chances of survival very slim. Over half of the patients diagnosed with intestinal cancer die within five years after the initial diagnosis.

Further studies are required in this field to combat this deadly form of cancer, but due to the length of the term of each research study it may be a few more years yet before the human race can finally hope to rid itself of this killer known as intestinal cancer disease.

About the Author:
John Stone writes exclusively for
Added: 12 Oct 2006
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Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Best Prostate Cancer Treatment Alternatives

Prostate cancer is a very common problem with men over the age of 80 and it starts becoming frequent with men over 50. By the time they are 80, almost half will have some form of prostate cancer which is not noticeable. Even though it is dangerous, just like any other cancer type, prostate cancer is very seldom the cause of death for the men who have it. Although this is such a common illness, doctors are still uncertain of the precise causes for prostate cancer. Ethnicity is one of the factors that offers some differentiation, with black men the highest risk and Asian men the lowest.

Curing prostate cancer is possible, but the condition has to be detected in the early stages. Many men do not even seek medical advice when the symptoms are present, partly because they are very similar to those of another disease: BPH or benign prostatic hypertrophy. Most men will experience difficulties while urinating, noticing a weak or intermittent flow of urine. Other symptoms include urgent needs to urinate or the need to wake up several times a night to do this. Some patients also observe a dribbling of urine after and even before urinating.

There is no universal treatment that will work the same in individual cases. Doctors have to determine several decisive factors, such as general health condition, age, location of the tumor in the prostate, size of the tumor. The number one option for treatment is surgery. However, the main operation, known as radial prostatectomy, is extremely tiring to the body, so the patient has to be in good condition. Most surgery patients are men between 50 and 70 years of age who do not seem to have extensive cancer damage. There are some side effects involved with this procedure, mostly related to erectile dysfunctions and minor urination problems. However, modern techniques greatly reduce the side effects and the success of surgery is high.

Choosing a hormone therapy is another option. This treatment does not kill the cancer cells but it reduces the size of the prostate tumor of the majority of patients. Most doctors recommend this treatment together with surgery for best effects. Cancer growth is stimulated by testosterone, the male sexual hormone, and hormone therapies reduce its level. By reducing testosterone levels, the prostate becomes less subjected to cancer cell growth. Based on patient medical history and overall health level, doctors may or may not choose to prescribe hormone therapy.

Sometimes, the doctor might suggest an alternative treatment to surgery. Radiotherapy can work by destroying cancer cells through radiation. The method is painless and involves only out-body procedures. However, some side effects like diarrhea and impotence have been noticed. Brachytherapy is the other. It involves the implantation of radioactive elements in the prostate, which are inserted with the patient under anesthesia. In time, the radioactive elements loose their properties, but they also help diminish cancer cell growth.

About the author:
George Anderson is very interested in prostate cancer and the variety of treatments available. See his website at
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Friday, January 26, 2007

Understanding and Recognizing Leukemia Symptoms

Leukemia is a sort of cancer of the blood and marrow. The disease is characterized through the overproducing of immature blood cells (stem cells) that aren’t able to fully develop and carry out the activities of normal blood cells.

Each type of mature blood cells has specific traits and roles inside the body. White blood cells or leukocytes have an important role in the immune system, contributing to overcome infections. White blood cells also help in healing flesh wounds and cuts. Red blood cells or erythrocytes contain hemoglobin, which has a great importance in transporting oxygen to the cells within the organism. Red blood cells are vital for the process of cell respiration, carrying oxygen to cells and removing carbon dioxide from them. Platelets have an important role in repairing damage at the level of blood vessels, accumulating to seal any cuts or tares.

Leukemia leads to the accumulation and crowding of diseased stem cells at the level of the bone marrow, which decreases the normal production of healthy blood cells. The lack of normal blood cells leads to the appearance of leukemia symptoms. It is important to understand that despite the fact that leukemia causes an over production of white blood cells, these cells are immature and can’t substitute for normal blood cells. Due to this, the body is exposed to many forms of infection.

The most common leukemia symptoms are: anemia (insufficient number of red blood cells in the bloodstream), risks of bleeding (insufficient number of platelets in the bloodstream), nose bleeding, bleeding of the oral cavity, predisposition to bruising, high exposure to infections due to lack of white blood cells, improper healing.

Other leukemia symptoms may be fatigue, lack of concentration, poor psychical performance, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss.

In the case of chronic leukemia, which facilitates the accumulation of diseased blood cells in different places inside the body, the leukemia symptoms may be migraines, insomnia, decreased vision and hearing, loss of balance, faints and seizures. Some of these leukemia symptoms need immediate medical intervention, as they may lead to further complications.

Sometimes people with leukemia may have enlarged liver and spleen, causing abdominal swelling or enlarged lymph nodes. The body glands of the organism can also be affected by leukemia.

Leukemia symptoms have a non-specific character. This means that they can be misleading in establishing an appropriate diagnose, as they may also occur in the cases of other diseases. Medical professionals are the only persons able to distinguish leukemia from other illnesses with resembling symptoms. Proper diagnose is very important in order to quickly begin the administration of specific treatment. Blood analysis and careful body examinations can reveal the presence of leukemia. Leukemia is considered to have a high rate of mortality and although the disease can be overcome through treatment and therapy, it can cause death if its presence is not noticed in time. Therefore, prompt intervention is required for leukemia, regardless of its type.

About the Author:
Groshan Fabiola
If you want to find great content on different leukemia related issues like leukemia symptoms, leukemia causes and many more visit .
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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer: Who Are Most Likely to Have It?

Prostate cancer has been found to occur in higher percentages among African Americans than any other race. Compared with Asian and European countries, the United States is where the disease occurs more commonly.

Aside from skin cancer, prostate cancer has been reported to be the most common type among American men. It has been projected that more than 200,000 new cases of this condition will be diagnosed in the U.S. and more than 27,000 male patients will die of the disease in 2006. Statistics also showed that a little over 1.8 million American men are survivors of the condition.

Prostate cancer has been found to occur in higher percentages among African Americans than any other race. Compared with Asian and European countries, the United States is where the disease occurs more commonly. The reasons for these percentages are not conclusive. Some experts are claiming that this might be due to the diet of Asian men which is rich in vegetables and fruits as opposed to Western males' red meat-rich diet. In the case of higher number of confirmed cases in the United States, medical researchers are asserting that this might be due to better diagnostics systems in the country compared with less developed areas.

Among the factors associated with the risk of acquiring cancer of the prostate, age is the primary culprit. The condition is quite uncommon among men aged below 45, but the chance of having it increases rapidly after age 50. In terms of genetics, men with a first degree relative, like a brother or a father, who has the condition have been found to be at higher risk of developing the cancer. Although no study has yet to find what particular gene affects a man's chances of developing this condition, statistics have shown that those who have affected relatives tend to develop cancer in the prostate as they reach the common affected age.

Diet has also been implicated as a risk factor of this type of cancer. For those who eat a lot of red meat and high fat dairy products, the risk of developing the cancer is believed to be higher. Smokers have also been considered as among the high risk groups. This might be because cigarettes and tobacco have been credited as contributing factors in DNA damage and mutation, although scientists have yet to map out the exact process by which smoking contributes to the development of cancer in the prostate.

Since cancer of the prostate is a slow developing type, it might not be diagnosed for years. Autopsy reports have shown that some men who have died of other causes have been found to have cancer in their prostates but have shown no symptoms and have not suffered or been affected by the disease. The condition, being more common among older men particularly those who are over 50 years old, can just be present without showing itself and without bothering the person; and eventually, the patient might die of other causes without the cancer ever manifesting itself or making the individual suffer.

Despite being a slow developing type in majority of the cases, it is still an advantage if prostate cancer can be diagnosed at its earliest stage. Numerous treatments and management methods have been developed through the years which have provided higher survival rates and caused the number of deaths to decline every year. Scientists are hopeful that eventually, this condition will be absolutely explained and prevention techniques will be developed.

About the Author:
Trevor provides you with info on prostate cancer, its treatments and symptoms and how to overcome or reduce the risk of getting it.
Submitted on 2006-09-02
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Revisiting reconstruction. Breast cancer.

I was invited to speak at a Victorian tea this weekend. I had been asked to wear a period costume, which the organizers rented for me. I got to pick out a lovely Victorian dress from a local costume shop. I would not have been able to choose the dress I chose if I had not had reconstructive surgery. There were other dresses I could have chosen, but this one, a bright red off the shoulder and tightly laced in the back, looked terrific on me. I wore it with a black feather boa and long black gloves. It was a spectacular event, and I rose to the occasion.

Speaking to large crowds is something I enjoy. I also train others to do it. Part of the success in my method comes with being confident in what you are wearing so that you do not have to be pulling on a hem, or praying that you do not spill out of your attire. I remember well the first few months after my mastectomy when I was only comfortable in a cami with fiberfill in place of my breast. Well, inevitably, by 3:00 p.m each day, my “breast” would be on my shoulder. Often, my youngest son, (twelve at the time), would say, “Mom, your boob is sliding up again.”

Reconstruction has been a blessing for me. I have enjoyed this hot humid summer in t-shirts and tank tops with no concern of a full bra and heavy silicone prosthesis. I know it is a little thing when you regain your health and life after surgery and treatment, but my goal is to live as outwardly unaffected by cancer as possible. It is my way of winning. A couple of weeks ago a woman in her early 60s came into my husband’s store and told me about her breast cancer. When I told her I also had battled breast cancer and had undergone reconstructive surgery, she was quite interested in the DIEP procedure. Her complaint was the discomfort in the way her clothes were fitting. Other health problems ruled out other types of reconstruction, but it was something she really wanted.

It is clear that I will require more plastic surgery to my breasts. One is considerably smaller than the other and has an indent. I just haven’t been able to schedule the final procedures. Even with these imperfections, it still makes things much easier and makes me feel more normal.

About the Author:
Kathy-Ellen Kups
Kathy's blog can be found at For more information, articles and programs about Breast Cancer and other cancers please visit
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Skin Cancer Symptoms + Treatments

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and is increasing in frequency every year. Because it is curable if diagnosed early, you should be aware of the symptoms and treatments.


Our skin protects our body from injury and infection and regulates our body temperature. It is the body's largest organ and is made up of two main layers, the outer layer called the epidermis and the inner layer called the dermis.

The outer layer contains three kinds of cells, squamous cells which are flat and scaly cells on the surface, basal cells which are round cells located under the squamous cells and melanocytes (the cells that create the brown pigment that gives skin its color) that are located throughout the basal layer.


There are two types of skin cancer, non-melanoma and melanoma. Non-melanomas are the most common types and most easily cured. Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous form and the most difficult to treat.

Melanomas develop from skin cells called melanocytes. A melanoma can occur anywhere on the skin but is more likely to develop on certain parts of the body such as the legs for women and the trunk of the body for men.

Melanoma is much less common than the non-melanoma types but it is usually far more serious. Melanoma is almost always curable in its early stages. But, unlike the non-melanoma types of skin cancer, it spreads to other parts of the body making it very difficult to treat.

Non-melanomas include two types of cancer, basal cell cancers and squamous cell cancers. They are called non-melanomas because they develop from skin cells other than melanocytes. The high incidence of these cancers is related to over-exposure to the sun.

Basal cell cancer is the most common type of skin cancer and it occurs in the deepest layer of the skin. It is easier to cure than melanoma and it does not usually spread to other parts of the body.

Squamous cell skin cancer develops in the upper layer of the skin. It can spread to deeper layers of the skin and occasionally can spread to lymph nodes and other organs.


The following are warning signs of basal and squamous cell carcinoma. A mole, skin growth, or sore that:

+changes in color and appears translucent, tan, brown, black or multicolored.

+is bigger than other moles.

+becomes red or inflamed around the edges.

+increases in size or thickness.

+changes in texture

+changes in shape

+is bigger than the size of a pencil eraser

+becomes painful, itchy, crusty, or forms a scab

+starts oozing or bleeding


If you have any of the symptoms listed above and they are present for more than a month, you must see a doctor for further evaluation. If the doctor agrees with your suspicions, a skin biopsy (the surgical removal of part of the tissue from the suspicious growth) will be performed. The type of skin cancer, where it is located, and the size of the affected area will determine the skin biopsy method used.

Once the tissue is examined, a diagnosis is made. You and your physician can then discuss treatment options. There are many treatments available, including curettage, surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The treatment chosen is dependent upon the type of skin cancer that is diagnosed.

Remember, skin cancer is the most curable form of cancer if diagnosed and treated in its early stages. Know the symptoms, perform a self-exam every month, and see your physician if you have any suspicious skin growths.

About the Author:
Chris Chenoweth is the author of the DO-IT-YOURSELF HOME, HEALTH & MONEY GUIDE, 500 pages of household tips, home remedies, diet and nutrition information, health issues and thousands of recipes!
Added: 13 Nov 2006
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Monday, January 22, 2007

Cervical Cancer 101 what you need to know about

Cervical cancer affects the female body in the cervix region. The womb of a woman finds its opening through the cervix. Many a times the human papilloma virus causes the disease. It is transmitted sexual exchanges. The cervix being the most important organ of the reproductive system requires proper attention as far as cancer onset is concerned. Such a cancer affects the other organs of the cervix region and can cause damage to the reproductive organs. This makes the disease all the more fatal. Such a spread is commonly termed as metastasis.

Although human papilloma virus is the main cause of the disease but it is also diagnosed with women who are in a habit of smoking. The instances of lung and breast cancer associated with the cervical cancer are there. This shows that the susceptibility of women to have cancer is higher by the means of cervical cancer. The disease is indicated by the presences of warts on the area around cervix. But a regular medical check up is required because sometimes the warts may not even appear on the skin and the disease goes undetected.

The common symptoms of the disease are prolonged pains in the thoracic region. Sometimes the leg and the lower back start paining unbearably. Anemia is very frequently associated with cervical cancer. As a result of anemia the patient also experiences a weight loss and fatigue. The person also looses his normal appetite. The detection of this carcinoma by oneself is almost impossible. It is at the later stages only that, with the help of a doctor can one detect it.

The disease is very deadly as its detection is very difficult. Though the doctors can detect it by a simple pap smear but if the treatment is avoided for too long then it may cause a fatal results. The most important thing to note here is that the disease can spread to other parts of the body including the vagina and the other connective tissue. It spreads vigorously and the infection spreads very fast. The disease has the potential to damage the primary reproductive organs and jeopardize reproductive capacity of the woman.

A particular form of papilloma strain increases the vulnerability to disease. Also improper sexual behaviour and inadequate hygiene also caters to the onset of cervical cancer. A drug administered to prevent miscarriage (diethylstilbestrol), if given in great quantities also increases the susceptibility of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease is done by examining the vaginal fluid of the suspected patient and is checked for the strains of cancer.

Chemo-radiation is a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is an effective measure in treatment of cancer. The infected cells can also be surgically removed. But the woman has to make a tough decision regarding jeopardizing her fertility. Thus most women go for the usual medication. A simple approach to prevent the disease is to have clean habits and regular check ups. The disease can be prevented by such steps though it cannot be ruled out after these.

A healthy woman is the most important asset of a family and there fore a woman should keep her self clean and ready to prevent such disease.

About the author:
Mansi gupta writes about cervical cancer. Learn more at
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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ovarian Cancer, Tea, and An Ounce Of Prevention

Dr Christiane Northrup has some interesting insights into the emotional and energetic issues associated with ovarian cancer. Whilst it is impossible to generalize emotional and energetic responses, she highlights the issue of rage in ovarian cancers. She describes the ovaries as being 'female balls' which means they relate to an active participation in the world in a way that expresses our unique creative potential, as women, on an individual basis.

She says: "...we as women must be open to the uniqueness of our creations and their own energies and impulses, without trying to force them into predetermined forms. Our ability to yield to our creativity, to acknowledge that we cannot control it with our intellects, is the key to understanding ovarian power." (p187, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom)

She relates the issue of rage as deriving from being in an abusive relationship - not necessarily physically abusive, though of course this could be the case. And it may not necessarily be a personal or intimate relationship. It could be with work, societal, or even spiritual. But it embodies a way of relating and dealing with something or someone, where the woman involved feels controlled by the situation and does not believe in her ability to change it, or herself. It is a denial of her innate power and self-sovereignty. A denial of a woman's innate dignity, creativity, spirituality, and complexity.

Interestingly, Dr Northrup notes that ovarian cancer is linked to a diet high in fat and dairy food. Dairy products in Oriental medicine, are associated with the liver meridian. Meridians are energy conduits, and though they have a specific anatomy, they are not equated necessarily with the organs of the same name, as understood in conventional western medicine. The emotion associated with a liver meridian that is out of balance, is rage and anger.

Oriental medicine believes that diseases start in our energetic body first, and then progress to the physical body. And certainly not all women who have a high fat and high dairy diet develop ovarian cancer. Dr Northrup suggests that women take care of their ovaries and uterus by reclaiming and expressing whatever this deep creative energy is for them. She suggests taking the time to do this daily.

A recent scientific study has also found that drinking two cups or more of tea a day can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by 46%. This study was done in Sweden over a 15 year period. Sweden is a country where there is a higher risk of ovarian cancer, as are other countries with a high dairy consumption (Denmark and Switzerland).

Dr Christiane Northrup, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom (Piatkus, 1995)

About the Author:
Rebecca Prescott
If you'd like to read more about supplements, herbs, and a deeper understanding of why we get sick, check out this article. If you enjoy the health benefits of tea, read this to discover why green tea is so beneficial, and how green tea weight loss helps.
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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Prostate Cancer - A Quick Overview

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a group of malignant cancerous cells, or in other words a tumor that begins most often in the outer areas of the prostate. Excluding skin cancer, prostrate cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in American men.

Prostate cancer is highly treatable when it is diagnosed and caught early. So, it's important that you consult your physician or urologist after any signs that might make you suspect you have prostate cancer.

Usually there are no early signs or symptoms of prostate cancer. However, when the tumor grows, it may spread from the prostate to surrounding areas. At this point the person will start to notice symptoms. Somesuch symptoms include the following:

  • Frequent urination (especially at night)
  • Weak urinary stream
  • Inability to urinate
  • Interruption of urinary stream (stopping and starting)
  • Pain or burning on urination
  • Blood in the urine
  • Pain in lower back, pelvis or upper thighs

Preventing the testicles from producing testosterone may relieve many of the above symptoms. The extent of the following treatments and the chance of success depend upon the seriousness (stage) of the cancer, what type you have, your age, and the your general health before the cancer.

The major treatment options for prostate cancer include:
  • Hormonal therapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiation Treatments
  • Chemotherapy
  • Watchful waiting (Observation)

The specific options selected for treatment will depend on several factors including the man’s age, the stage of the disease, and the advice of the urologist and physician. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor or your urologist if you have any questions concerning your treatment!

About the Author:
Amy Otis, RN
Added: Thu Jun 30 2005
To find other free health content see

Friday, January 19, 2007

Breast Cancer And The Pain Of The Mammogram

Just tune into a select cable channel and keep watching long enough and you're likely to see a predictable show about women overcoming obstacles and being triumphant. The situation could take place in the workplace, bad or abussive marriage, sports, or the legal system. Or any of another hundred siturations. Including having beed diagnosed with breast cancer.

The fact is that there are millions of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are now celebrating two, five or even 30+ years of being cancer free.

What do they owe this to? If you ask a cancer survivor, the chances are she'll tell you that early detection was the key. And the mammogram is the technology we use most often today to detect cancer of the breast.

When should the test be done? Experts generally agree that if you have seen your 40th birthday, you should be tested at least every two years. Sometimes more often, especially if you have a family history of breast cancer. What about sooner? Well, I say: why not? What have you got to lose by early detection? Well maybe some discomfort, but women generally agree that it's worth it. More information about cancer can be found at

If you have never experienced a mammogram, here's an idea of what to expect. According to the web site MedicineNet, "The patient's breasts are then placed on a firm flat X-ray surface and a gentle, but firm pressure is applied to the breast using a mommogram compression device. This compression can cause a degree of discomfort in some women, but it is usually a painless procedure. The compression spreads the breast tissue out so that the X-rays display the inner breast tissue with good reslolution. If compression is not used, the mammograms may be blurry, breast tissue may not be well delineated and small lesions can be missed."

"Gentle, but firm pressure"? Interesting way of putting it, isn't it?

Anyway, while there may be some discomfort, don't you agree that that is a small price to pay to have the security and knowledge that your are cancer free? And if, God forbid, you're not, to know so you can take immediate action?

About the Author:
Yvonne Volante, the author, is a big fan of good health practices and writes for, which is the premier cancer resource on the internet. You can see all of the articles over at
This article was posted on November 06, 2006
Article Source: articlecity

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Breast Cancer Information

Life-threatening malignancies in one or both breasts is termed as breast cancer. Breast cancer can be both noninvasive, the one that does not spread and invasive which has high chances of spreading.

Life-threatening malignancies in one or both breasts is termed as breast cancer. Breast cancer can be both noninvasive, the one that does not spread and invasive which has high chances of spreading.

Ductal carcinoma and Lobular carcinoma are both noninvasive, if left untreated it can develop in to invasive. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma and infiltrating lobular carcinoma which spreads in the wall of the duct and the wall of a lobules respectively.

History of breast cancer can be traced back to 1600 B.C. it is considered as one of the oldest known tumors. In Papyrus writing tumors or ulcers of the breast and its cure were mentioned. For very long time there was no cure for the condition. Then in 1749-1806 the Scottish surgeon Benjamin Bell and the French surgeon Jean Louis Petit were the first one to remove the affected breast tissue, and underlying chest muscle.

There are different stages through which carcinoma of breast occurs. They are: 1. Onset of the carcinogenic cells. 2. Cancer is either 1- 2 inches long and spread to lymph nodes only. 3.Cancer has spread to tissues near the breast. 4. Cancer has spread to other organs of the body.

The ways in which you can kick off the breast cancer are: 1. Surgery: Depending on the stage and onset of the cancer, removal of lymph is necessary to remove the cancer cells. This process is termed as lumpectomy. In advance cases the removal of entire breast will only help the situation and it is termed as mastectomy. 2. Systemic therapy uses medication to treat the damaged cancer cells in the body. Immune therapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy are the types of systemic therapy. Chemotherapy are used before and after surgery.

Neo-adjuvant type of chemotherapy is given before surgery for reducing the size of the tumor. Adjuvant chemotherapy is suggested after surgery to reduce the recurrence. Chemotherapy has many side effect. The hormonal treatments include tamoxifen and Aromatase inhibitors are specially given to pre menopausal and postmenopausal women to decrease the level of estrogen in their body. 3. Radiation therapy involves high powered gamma rays or x-rays that precisely work on the target the area that needs treatment. These rays are effective in destroying the cancer cells and prevent recur from the place where the tumor was removed. The main purpose of this therapy is to prevent recur. Radiation therapy is done by linear Accelerator. Radiation therapy is usually done after surgery of breast cancer and an essential treatment for breast conserving therapy.

With all these therapies and self confidence anything and every problem can be chopped off.

About the Author:
Keith Londrie II is a successful Webmaster and publisher of A website that specializes in providing information about cancer information about cancer that you can research on the internet in your pajamas from the comfort of your own home. Visit Cancer information Today!
Submitted on 2006-10-14
Article Source:

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cancer and Chlorine

Chlorination of water began in the 1890's and was widely accepted in the U.S. by 1920. Over 75% of homes in America have chlorinated water. The dangers of chlorination far outweigh the supposed benefits. Chlorine even in low levels is an oxidant that causes cellular damage .Most tap water has been found to exceed the recommended 1.6 ppm of chlorine in it.

The American Journal of Health states that chlorine is linked to an increase in certain types of cancer, asthmas and skin irritations. In a 1987 study by the National Cancer Institute, the FDA and EPA found an increased risk of bladder cancer with long term consumption of chlorinated water. The EPA says that chlorine follows cigarette smoke in leading causes of cancer. An experiment done on chickens by adding chlorine to their water caused 95% of them to develop atherosclerosis.

Two-thirds of the harmful chlorine exposure actually comes from showering. A 15 minute hot steamy shower is equivalent to drinking 8 glasses of water because of the vapors inhaled. The EPA states that "Due to chlorine and showering virtually every home in America has a detectable level of chloroform in the air." This is because chlorine vaporizes in steam and combines with other organic compounds into chloroform which is a strong respiratory irritant and causes fatigue. A warm shower opens pores and allows a high rate of absorption. During a shower, 98% of the water goes down the drain, while 70-90% of the chemicals vaporize before the water hits the ground and the vapors remain in the air.

Due to chlorine and the combination of many chemicals used in household cleaning,the average indoor air is 5 times more toxic than outdoor air regardless of whether the home is in the city or a rural area. Cancer has been shown to grow twice as fast indoors than outdoors. Bathing in chlorinated water also strips the natural protective oils in the skin and hair causing scaling and itching and is a major irritant for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It kills the beneficial bacteria on the surface of the skin that offer a natural defense against skin disorders.

About the author:
Dawn Kornels is the technical writer for which offers water solutions for the whole house.
Circulated by Article Emporium

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cancer Research UK and TK Maxx collaboration, 'GiveGet'

GiveGet is an annual campaign run by TK Maxx and Cancer Research UK and is one of the biggest charity collection campaigns in the UK. You should be familiar with the concept: collect any unwanted – or unused – clothes, books, music, and DVDs – anything in fact, which you want to donate: even household goods. Donated articles will be sent to Cancer Research UK shops to be sold and proceeds from sales will be used to help those suffering with cancer.

It's a serious problem in the UK, with recent statistics showing that, for example, of the total population in England, one in three will develop cancer during the course of their lives. Now more than ever, we need campaigns like GiveGet to help alleviate the suffering cancer causes.

Which isn't to say that everything about the campaign needs to be serious to get its message across – this year's GiveGet campaign will have as its figurehead Rachel Hunter. Miss Hunter will no doubt inject a bit of glamour into proceedings and help the GiveGet campaign achieve on at least one of its targets: that of being this Spring's most important fashion collection.

TK Maxx and Cancer Research UK will be handing out GiveGet donation bags in their thousands this March, with the official opening date for the campaign set for Saturday the 18th, the GiveGet campaign will run up until Sunday the 2nd of April. You can take your GiveGet donation bag to any TK Maxx ( ) or Cancer Research UK store in the UK to be collected and used to raise funds – each full GiveGet bag could be worth up to £30 for Cancer Research UK.

The more you give the better it is, as Cancer Research UK rely heavily upon public for donations and a campaign on the scale of the GiveGet campaign can make a huge impact on the fundraising efforts of the organisation.

It's an annual affair, the GiveGet collaboration between Cancer Research UK and TK Maxx, and they are aiming to beat all previous donation targets this year, with the £2 million mark in their sights this year. It's an achievable target, with the value of donations last year reaching £1.28 million – more than double the original target.

So get ready for GiveGet, and this 18th of March you can do a spot of Spring cleaning, de-cluttering, and just straightforward donating by giving those GiveGet bags filled and into TK Maxx stores or Cancer Research UK stores nationwide. You shouldn't forget about GiveGet either, as the cries of 'sort it out', 'bag it up', and 'drop it off' get louder as the 18th of March approaches.

All information contained in this article is for general information purpose only and should not be construed as advice under the financial Services act 1986. You are strongly advised to take appropriate professional and legal advice before entering into any binding contracts.

About the Author:
Michael Hanna is a keen writer, and internet marketer living in Scotland: Contact details: E-mail: Phone: 0131 561 2251
Michael's Website: Belfast Taxis
Added: 04 Mar 2006
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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Breast Cancer Awareness Bracelet: Support A Noble Cause!

Breast cancer is a major health threat to women around the world. The number of women affected by breast cancer is shooting up every year. The sad thing is early diagnosis and treatment can lead to an almost 100 per cent cure rate among those affected by this illness.

Often the problem is not the unavailability of treatment for breast cancer, but late diagnosis. Awareness of the symptoms of breast cancer is the only way to assure that every person with the disease will get an early diagnosis. Many charities and cancer foundations have launched breast cancer awareness programs with this fact in mind.

The mass appeal of the LiveStrong yellow cancer bracelets from the Lance Armstrong foundation led breast cancer foundations to launch the breast cancer awareness bracelets. Pink was chosen as the color for these bracelets as an expression of the feminine character. Currently millions of dollars are being generated from the sale of pink ribbons and breast cancer awareness bracelets, which is going towards supporting cancer research and for spreading awareness of the disease.

What makes breast cancer insidious is that there are no clear cut symptoms or criteria that help predict this illness. It doesn’t matter if you have a family history or not, whether you are young or old, you can still get breast cancer. Though age increases the risk of breast cancer, more than 20 per cent of the affected women are those under 50 years.

Even though breast cancer awareness bracelets first came out in pink color, they now come in a variety of colors and materials. Usually the rubber and the silicone awareness bracelets sell for around $1. These bracelets can also be made of pearl, cats eye or any other suitable material and sell for around $30. These metal and pearl bracelets can be used as jewelry, and at the same time they support a cause.

Custom-made breast cancer awareness bracelets on which you can stamp any message that you want are also available. These messages can be of hope, or endurance, or success. Often, the friends and family of the cancer patients wear these bracelets to show their support to the struggling person.

Over the years the sale of breast cancer awareness bracelets has helped many. There are many discussion and information groups online on cancer that are supported by money from the sale of these bracelets. There are ‘fund-free mammogram’ facilities available for those who cannot afford the diagnostic procedure, funded by the sale of these breast cancer awareness bracelets.

Be it a $1 or a $ 30 breast cancer awareness bracelet, it can go a long way in spreading breast cancer awareness.

About the Author:
Lisa Hyde-Barrett, a registered nurse and wellness advocate, understands the relationship between awareness and prevention and make breast cancer awareness a top goal!
Please visit her site:
Article Source:

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Seeking a better way to balance cancer risk and pain

I see my oncologist tomorrow. You know the drill, the usual check in. I have to talk to him about a better way. I am having trouble distinguishing between aging and Arimidex. My joints hurt, and now that I have been on Arimidex for six months, more is accumulating in my system. At least that’s what I think because the pain and stiffness is very apparent every day. It is difficult to use my hands in the morning and my feet make it unbearable to “jump out of bed” like I used to do.

I am concerned that something is going on that will be more of an issue later on. After two or three years on this stuff, I truly think about the long-term effects. Will I be crippled from an arthritis condition 10 or 20 years down the road? Then I start to wonder, would anyone really have an answer to that for such a new drug?

The reality is that it is a balance between cancer risk and pain. I need to really determine if one outweighs the other. After all, it has to be about quality of life. The only drawback about that argument is that many of us are too young to be risking disease for quality of life. These are things I need to talk to my oncologist about.

Have you thought this through for your own treatment? Is there a better way? I could use your input.

About the Author:
Kathy-Ellen Kups
Kathy's blog can be found at For more information, articles and programs about Breast Cancer and other cancers please visit
Article Source:

Friday, January 12, 2007

Colon Cancer Symptoms

Colon cancer is common, and often hard to detect. Colon cancer usually starts in the form of polyps in the large intestine. Unfortunately, this growth doesn’t manifest any visible symptoms. Most of the symptoms of colon cancer are difficult to notice, and are usually non-specific.

Something as casual as breathlessness, fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome can be colon cancer warning signs. Most patients notice a change in their bowel habits and complain of narrow stool, frequent diarrhea or constipation. Unexpected weight loss, blood in stool, and bloating are commonly noticed symptoms of colon cancer. On the positive side, these non-specific symptoms are also common to relatively less harmful diseases like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis, and peptic ulcers.

Colon cancer does not develop quickly. It takes years for cancerous cells to take root in the intestine and multiply. Despite the prolonged development lifecycle, colon cancer is difficult to discern, as the symptoms do not show at all until the growth and damage is significant. The right side of our colon is quite large, and detecting a small cancerous growth in this area is difficult. The growth can multiply to a large mass before it creates any blockage. If patients are alert to their health condition, they are likely to notice an iron deficiency in their body if there is a right-sided cancer growing in their intestine. Iron deficiency manifests itself in fatigue and weakness.

In contrast, the left side of our large intestine is narrower and any cancerous growth in this region will block the digestive path much quicker. If the left side of the colon is blocked, the patient is likely to experience constipation or diarrhea, narrowed stool, abdominal pains, cramps, or bloating. These will continue despite regular eating habits and exercise.

All in all, the symptoms of colon cancer are non-specific and none of them can conclusively ascertain if the patient has cancer. The only formal and definitive way of diagnosing colon cancer is clinically testing for it.

About the Author:
Seth Miller
Colon Cancer provides detailed information on Colon Cancer, Colon Cancer Symptoms, Colon Cancer Treatment, Colon Cancer Prevention and more. Colon Cancer is affliated with Colon Cleansing Products.
Added: Mon Apr 10 2006
To find other free health content see

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Understanding Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma treatment relates relieving or curing the deadly disease called mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is serious disease that affects the lining of lungs, abdominal organs or heart. Mesothelioma can be of two types, either benign or malignant. Mesothelioma treatment, for an individual suffering from benign mesothelioma, is surgery. However, in case of malignant mesothelioma scientists could not find any established mesothelioma treatment to cure the patient fully.

Types of Mesothelioma Treatment
Mesothelioma treatment options available today are radiation, chemotherapy, radical surgery and/or combination of all these treatments. During surgery, either a part of tumor or the whole tumor is removed. In some cases, a portion of the normal tissue surrounding the area is also removed along with the tumor.

Mesothelioma treatment, in which the doctors try to cure the patient with drugs, is known as chemotherapy. As the mesothelioma cancer is a rare disease, very little information is available regarding the effects of different drugs on different patients. Adriamycm, (doxorubicin), Cytoxan, (cyclophosphamide), 5-fluorouracil and 5-azacytidine are some of the drugs that have shown good results and a response rate of 0 to 35 % when tried on mesothelioma patients. Some other effective drugs for mesothelioma treatment are cisplatin, high dose methotrexate, interferon, anthracycline analogues and vinblastine. The National Cancer Institute is sponsoring further studies the effectiveness of these and other drugs by funding many clinical centers.

Radiation is another option of mesothelioma treatment that is more helpful in reducing the pain rather than curing the disease itself. Because of the severity of the disease, standard dose of 6,000 rads of radiation has very little effect on mesothelioma patients. In limited cases, some benefit is observed when patient is treated with aggressive high dose radiation. Use of radioactive compounds on diseased tissue has also shown some positive results with the individuals diagnosed early on. Patients of pleural mesothelioma survived for over 24 months when radioactive colloidal gold (Au 198) was placed between the two pleural membranes. Scientists are hopeful that radioactive chromic phosphate, p32 can be used as an effective mesothelioma treatment. This might increase the survival period of patients suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma.

Like the treatment of other cancers, mesothelioma treatment also has its side effects. Nausea and vomiting are some minor problems associated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy that could be controlled with medicines. However, suppression of bone marrow is a serious short-term side effect that may cause WBC, RBC and platelets counts to go down. Such patients may become susceptible to bleeding and infection and may require antibiotic therapy or any other supportive care.

Mesothelioma treatment can be a very expensive and lengthy procedure. However, the patients suffering from mesothelioma cancers can seek compensation for mesothelioma treatments. They can file lawsuits against the individuals or organizations responsible for causing asbestos exposure.

About the author:
Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.
Circulated by Article Emporium

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Is It True that Eating Broccoli Can Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer?

Indeed there have been many studies and much research to determine what types of diets can prevent which types of cancers. Some of what you may have heard about which food you eat are merely folklore handed down, while others are actually based on data from actual studies.

Indeed there have been many studies and much research to determine what types of diets can prevent which types of cancers. Some of what you may have heard about which food you eat are merely folklore handed down, while others are actually based on data from actual studies. Eating lots of vegetables seems to lead one to think that there are in fact substantial benefits for all sorts of things to help us remain healthy. Eating fruits, drinking tea, proper intake of vegetables have all been among the things that are often recommended to prevent prostate cancer. It stands to reason that a healthy diet can assist you in reducing the risk of prostate cancer and there is evidence that broccoli indeed may just be one of those vegetables which can help.

One study seems to indicate the fruit intake did not substantially help in reduction of the risk of prostate cancer, but did help in reducing the risks of other cancers. Men who ate vegetables three times a day had a one-third or greater chance of not getting prostate cancer of those that did not have lots of vegetables in their diets.

Which vegetables were considered the best to eat? Well it seems brussel spouts, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli were some of the best and could increase reduced risk by just over 40%. Orange colored vegetables also hit high on the list by other studies carrots, sweat potatoes, squash and yams. You should be eating a wide range of to reduce your risk of cancer and different fruits and vegetables prevent different types of cancer. If you have some type of cancer which runs in your family, you ought to do a little research of your own and think on this.

About the Author:
"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance
Submitted on 2005-10-05
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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Essiac Herbal Tea: Alternative Cancer Treatment

Essiac herbal tea for cancer was named after a Canadian nurse by the name of Rene Caisse, Essiac being her last name written backwards. She was credited for refining the original formula which contained eight herbs into a tea containing the four essential ingredients. The following is a brief account of them.

Essiac Tea Formula: Herbs

*Burdock root (Arctium lappa)

In the past, this plant was used in folk medicine. It contains trace minerals such as potassium, phosphorous, chromium, iron, magnesium, zinc, silicon, sodium and cobalt. It also has vitamin E and B complex. According to various clinical trails, the plant has been found to have anti-tumor properties. Burdock root can be an alternative blood purifier. It is a diuretic and diaphoretic.

*Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella)

Sheep sorrel is a known ingredient in folk remedies in Asia and Europe for cancer. The plant is a diuretic and contains anti-tumor properties like the Burdock root. It is high in vitamins E, K, D, C B complex and A. Trace minerals such as iron, silicon, sulphur, manganese, copper, magnesium, calcium, can be found in this herb.

*Slippery Elm (Ulmus Fulva)

According to many herbalists the bark of the slipper elm can make a drink full of nutrients that heal and soothe various ailments. The bark has been reported to have an ability to remove toxins from the body, and many claim it has antibiotic and antimicrobial properties as well.

* Turkey Rhubarb (Rheum Palmatum)

Cassie chose this variety of rhubarb over the common variety because it is less bitter and more effective. The root contains a number of vitamins such as B complex, C, A and P. It has a lot of the trace minerals needed by the body such as sodium, copper, iodine, iron, chlorine, calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, phosphorus and zinc.

The more waste matter removed from the body, the more toxins that may cause tumor cells are eliminated. The rhubarb is a laxative that gently stimulates the organs to purge the body of this matter.

About the Author:
Sarah Thomas provides articles on You can find more of her work at the site
This article was posted on October 25, 2006
Article Source: articlecity

Monday, January 08, 2007

Fat Has Long Been Known As One Of The Evil Elements In Breast Cancer

Research has shown that too much fat in the fodder cup increases the tumor risk. In addition, international comparative studies stated, where greater amounts of fat were consumed, breast cancer cases rose.

The quality of the results of these comparative studies does not leave much to the imagination. They are based on agricultural production numbers and state nothing about the fat consumption of individual persons.

Besides societies differ, where there is little fat eaten as in traditional Japanese rural regions or in Africa as compared to our prosperous western societies that it is impossible to link back the different diseases such as breast cancer to only a meal or to an individual material like fat.

Take young African women who get their periods later than western females, but they bear their first child in earlier years and have far more children. Each of these factors reduces the statistical risk for breast cancer.

The latest and more methodical studies in which women who consumed a great deal of food but with little fat were compared directly with each another. The results did not provide any proven evidence that vouches for the fact that any one different source of fat was worse or better than the other.

It did not play a role whether the fat was of animal or vegetable origin and whether it predominantly consisted of unsaturated fatty acids.

As breast cancer promotions advertize a bad nutrition is also regarded as too many calories, too much fat, alcohol and meat. On the other hand a low fat food diet is better for the chest and rich in base materials, vegetables, fruit, anti-oxidants and vitamins.

But how well are these statements proven by scientific investigations?

In laboratories it has been proven that mice set on half rations of food live longer and rarely get cancer. So do women who want to protect themselves against breast cancer have to do likewise?

It is advised that it would not be beneficial for women to go on these stringent diets because first of all observation studies of humans did not result in a connection between the calorie admission and the risk of breast cancer. Secondly from experience it shows that humans who are constantly dieting on and off tend to put on weight rather than become thinner.

Nevertheless there is an indirect effect of our western way of life on the risk of breast cancer. Our children mature exceedingly faster especially the females who are becoming sexually ripe earlier. Statistically this earlier stage of development is accompanied with an increase in breast cancer.

Also the connection between the predominance of breast cancer is far less clear, than what has been studied and read in technical literature. The data shows that years ago chubby women seemed to be protected against chest tumors. Past statistics have shown this.

Past published studies showed an increase in weight did not result in a higher risk of getting this form of breast cancer. These extra pounds of body weight actually help protect against Osteoporosis, the fearful decalcifying of the bones.

With the rising consumption of meat about half of the studies published so far have not resulted in an increased risk of breast cancer, the other half were undecided which is possibly explained by the fact that there are some women who have sensitive reactions to meat

The women with sensitive reactions showed certain characteristics in their hereditary factors, which are presently being intensively investigated. Which leads to a possible concern as to the benefit of meat. It is important to know that the questionable substances develop particularly with well done meat. In addition these reactions can be further intensified to a minimum by meat spices such as Thyme, Mint and Mustard.

As far as alcohol goes most studies found an increase of the risk of breast cancer, some starting from a drink per day. However the aggravation of risk was only slight. While alcohol is not favorably healthy in larger quantities, the benefits of alcohol in moderation must be taken in to account. Such as its favorable effect on the cardiovascular system, a moderate consumption of alcohol in the second part of life accompanies clearly with decreased cardiac problems and impacts disease accumulation risk with a higher life expectancy!

Fruit and vegetables are healthy, but consuming a large amount of vegetables and fruits, do not however automatically offer a higher protection from breast cancer. Several large studies could not provide any proof of a special protective effect by a high fruit and vegetable consumption. However that in no way diminishes the importance of fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy nutrition!

The same with vitamins like anti-oxidants, vitamin E, C and A, whilst good for you there is no undisputable evidence that vitamins can reduce the risk of breast cancer. References have been made that Vitamin E and C can actually help enrich the tumor helping it to protect itself against the medicines meant to destroy it.

A possible exception concerns a Vitamin of the B-group. Whether it is really useful however will only be shown through future studies as more data is collected and recommendations made.

Beside Vitamin and mineral supplements vegetables contain secondary plant compounds that could be helpful. Among these substances for example ranked highly is Flavonoid (group of antioxidant chemical compounds) and Phytoestrogens (compounds that occur naturally in plants).

Therefore they are at present investigated intensively with laboratory and animal experiments as well as a set of human observation studies pointed towards the chest-protecting effect of Phytoestrogens.

Before purposeful nourishing recommendations can be given, the researchers must however still clarify how the processing of the food affects the effect of these substances.

Still with all the existing knowledge gaps it can safely be said that there is no Diet or food form which can heal cancer.

About the Author:
John Stone writes exclusively for
Added: 14 Oct 2006
Article Source:

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Secrets of Healing From Within

Modern medicine is based upon the notion of battle. We battle germs and fight for life. As soon as we feel pain or discomfort, we immediately try to stop it from happening and look for some way to soothe what we are going through. We feel we must change our illness or problems, overpower them with our expertise.

This orientation leads to a never ending battle with all that impinges upon us. After one illness or problem is conquered, another arises. We live in a state of constant insecurity where there is little room for ease of mind.

Healing from within brings inner peace with it. It arises from a different orientation towards all the experiences of life. We are taught to stop, pay attention and respect all that comes to us. It is as if we were re-focusing a camera, receiving our experience through a different lens.

Usually there is a deep sense that pain is bad, and must be removed at any cost. Pain is not bad. Pain arises from lack of balance and contains much information. It brings many messages along with it. When we see our pain as a messenger and learn how to respect and listen to it, healing begins in all kinds of ways.

The first step in healing from within is to learn how to see pain as an ally, to learn how to "dialogue" with it. For most of us this seems almost unthinkable.

At first this requires a complete turn around. Instead of tensing up and gearing for battle, we learn how to pause and understand there is a lesson that we have to learn. When we do this we find the pain or problem often comes holding a gift in its hands.

Illness often comes when we feel defeated. We may not wish to struggle anymore. Some people become ill when they are overly exhausted. The illness is the only way they can give themselves permission to stop, rest, and make much needed changes in their lives. Each illness has it's own story. The same is true with psychological or personal problems that grow strong, demanding our attention.

When someone is in physical pain and suddenly understands what is troubling them, the physical pain often subsides. For full healing to take place it may be essential to make changes in one's total life. Cancer can be suppressed for many years, and then it returns. When it reappears we must ask, "Why not? What is going on in my total life?"

"We become sick becomes we act in sickening ways,"
Louis Jourard
We are all experts at brushing things under the carpet. Then the carpet begins to roll up at the corners, and we feel we are coming unglued. During illness the body is rebelling. It is demanding that we pay attention to all that has been unattended. We may have been pushing ourselves for too long. Now our body is fed up. Stop and listen to me, it pleads. When we learn how to listen and how to reply, an entirely new life begins. Then pain and illness become an opportunity for vital change.

Learning To Listen

We usually listen only to part of ourselves. The rest is rejected. But no matter what we are rejecting, soon or later we must come up against it and face it straight on.

Rejecting something over and over never makes it go away. In fact, it will come back time and again, just for you to accept it. Everything needs to be loved and accepted, including our illness and pain. The best way is to make friends with the pain. Fighting intensifies it. If we can relax into it for a little while and explore it, many possibilities arise. Natural healing is always available in all situations, but it can be cut off by fighting and fear. When we let go, and allow ourselves to speak to the pain, and to listen to what it has to say, incredible changes can happen.

To do this, we simply close our eyes, stop fighting, and ask our pain what it is saying to us, what does it need from us right now? Then we become very quiet and listen deeply. An answer may not come right away. Patience is needed. As we do this process over and over, fear diminishes and we begin to hear.

Answers come in different ways. Some hear answers within. Others see images, some have dreams. We learn to be open to all that comes and in this openness, we learn.


Look at your illness or problem now. Picture it within and give it some kind of shape. What does it look like to you? Describe or draw it. Now, look more deeply at what the image really means. What is this image saying to you about yourself and the life you are leading? Listen carefully.

Next, ask the image any questions you may have and let it answer you. (Ask what it wants from you and what it would need to go away). See if you can give it what it needs.

This attitude is called making friends with the pain. When we do this illness does not become something foreign and frightening. We become better able to understanding what the true causes are.

For example, if we are sad for too long and have not done enough crying, our bodies may begin to cry for us through the illness we are going through. If we feel that life is meaningless, our bodies can start to express this by shriveling up and dying. If we have held onto difficult attitudes, our bodies will bear the burden of them. Persistent negative attitudes become wounds upon our entire selves.

Our attitudes are messages we give our body. Though we may not be aware of it, if we feel life is a dirty battle, we are telling our body to tense up with shame all day long. Once we begin the crucial work of taking responsibility for and changing our attitudes, our entire body can begin to experience on-going ease instead of dis-ease. We must look at the basic attitudes we live with and ask ourselves if they are conducive to our health, or do they contain the very seeds of pain?

In order to heal from within, it is essential to handle these long standing patterns, to see them and change them to attitudes and patterns that are productive of well-being. Health comes with learning to say "yes" to all of our experience, in being willing to experience it just as it is. Wellness emerges out of the balance and harmony of all parts of ourselves.

When we are well, we feel whole, accepting and in harmony with ourselves and the entire world we live in. Like a fresh water stream flowing, this state of being brings continual refreshment and healing day by day.

Cc/Dr. Brenda Shoshanna/2005

About the Author:
You do not have to go through loss or illness alone. You can learn how to turn it into a time of growth in Dr. Brenda Shoshanna’s award winning book, Journey Through Illness and Beyond. Filled with wonderful guidance, information and specially designed exercises the book will become a friend, showing you that you do not have to go through a time of illness or loss alone. Dr. Shoshanna is a psychologist, speaker and author who has presented over 500 workshops on all aspects of relationships, personal development, loss and change. Some of the other books she has written include The Anger Diet, Zen and the Art of Falling In Love, Living By Zen, (Timeless Truths For Everyday Life), and many more. Find out more about her at her website Contact her at mailto:
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Best Colon Cancer Treatment Options

Among the most spread cancers, colon cancer usually occurs in men and women over the age of 50. The main causes of colon cancer are related to the patient’s diet: very low in fiber and high in fat and calories. By keeping a healthy life style and good eating habits, you can prevent developing cancer of the colon even before this becomes a problem. You might also want to try and check your family history for cases of colon cancer and adopt a healthier diet in order to make sure you will avoid this problem in the future.

Colon cancer treatments are varied and you can choose from a series of traditional and alternative methods of dealing with this condition. Surgery is often the number one choice – the surgeon removes the tumors on the colon, even if the cancer cells are spread beyond the colon itself. This ensures less problems in the future of the patient’s life, reducing chances of bowel problems or internal bleeding. Colon cancer surgery is usually categorized in four main areas: rectum resection, radio frequency ablation, colostomy and colon resection. The surgeon will determine which method is best suited for each individual patient.
Detecting cancer at a very early stage is important, as the problem can be corrected in a decisive and final manner. By using a polypectomy, the surgeon will remove suspicious polyps in order to minimize chances of the disease. Local excision may also be used in early stages, in order to remove the cancer cells. After surgery, your hospital should provide you with ongoing support in order to ensure a fast and efficient recovery.

Intra arterial chemotherapy is another treatment worth consideration. This treatment targets tumors by delivering a powerful dose of chemotherapy. Primary systemic chemotherapy is often used before a surgical procedure in order to destroy a large majority of cancer cells. Systemic therapy is usually used with metastatic cancer, while the third method, adjuvant chemotherapy, targets any cancer cells that might have been left over after surgery. All three chemotherapy procedures are delivered through the hepatic artery and are an option if the cancer has spread to the liver.

Another choice comes from chemoembolization treatment. In addition to being delivered intra arterially, this type of treatment blocks the blood flow to the areas affected by cancer. It traps the chemotherapy drugs in the area of the tumor, thus ensuring that they work efficiently and on target.

About the author:
George Anderson is very interested in colon cancer and the variety of treatments available. See his website at
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