Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Common Causes of Lung Cancer

There are a various risk factors that are linked to lung cancer. The most common known causes are as follows:

Cigarette Smoking
Cigarette smoking is probably the most closely related link to developing lung cancer. A person who smokes two packs or more of cigarettes per day has a one in seven chance of developing lung cancer. Those that smoke one pack of cigarettes per day have a twenty-five times greater chance of developing lung cancer than a non-smoker. In addition, those people that smoke a pipe or cigar have a five times greater chance of developing lung cancer than a non-smoker.

The risk of developing lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked over your lifetime. Cigarette smoking damages the cells in your lungs. The moment you stop smoking, your lungs begin healing themselves, replacing damaged cells with healthy, normal cells. Your risk of developing lung cancer begins decreasing almost immediately when you quit smoking. Every year that you do not smoke, your chances of developing lung cancer drop further. By the fifteenth year, your chances of developing lung cancer are about the same as those of a person who has never smoked.

Secondhand Smoke
Also known as passive smoking, people exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis will have a higher risk of developing lung cancer, even if they do not smoke themselves. Studies have shown that those who live with a smoker have a 24% greater risk of developing lung cancer than most non-smokers. Doctors estimate that about 3000 lung cancer deaths a year are related to secondhand smoke.

Asbestos Exposure
Exposure to asbestos is another well-known cause of lung cancer and mesothelioma - cancer of the pleural lining of the lungs. Asbestos was widely used in construction and everyday products in the late 1800s through the 1960s. Asbestos separates into fine silica fibers that become trapped in the tissues of the lungs. Mesothelioma is inextricably linked to asbestos exposure. There are no reported cases of mesothelioma in people who were not exposed to asbestos either in the workplace or through their environment. A non-smoker who was exposed to asbestos has a five times greater risk of developing lung cancer than a non-smoker who was not exposed. Smoking increases the risk dramatically - a smoker who was exposed to asbestos has a risk of developing lung cancer that is 50 to 90 times greater than that of a non-smoker.

Radon Gas
It is estimated that about 12% of lung cancer deaths can be attributed to radon gas, a colorless, odorless gas that is a natural byproduct of the decay of uranium. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that as many as 15% of homes in the United States have unsafe levels of radon gas, which will account for 15,000 to 22,000 deaths from lung cancer annually.

Air Pollution
Scientists estimate that as many as 1% of all lung cancer deaths are attributable to air pollution. They believe that prolonged exposure to very polluted air can raise the risks of developing lung cancer to about the levels of a passive smoker.

About the Author:
David Chandler
For more information about lung cancer and help to quit smoking, visit http://www.lungcancerinfoguide.com and http://www.quitsmokinganswers.com
Added: 18 Feb 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/21963.html

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Prostate Cancer Treatments

The principle function of the prostrate gland is to secrete seminal fluid, a nutrient for sperm, and eject it into the urethra during ejaculation. As it ages it can become cancerous without any specific cause. For prostrate cancer, this process is commonly a slow one. It goes undetected in its initial stages, and once symptoms start to manifest, it has already advanced into a more critical stage.

Once confirmed as prostrate cancer, it is important to collect all the information that is possible to decide on a course of treatment. The relevant inputs are the age and health condition of the patient, how far the cancer has progressed and how fast it is advancing. There is a computerized nomogram to assess the probability of a cure. The patient, along with the physician and the family, has to opt for the course of treatment that is best for him.

The simplest treatment is ‘watchful waiting.’ The treatment concentrates on relieving the symptoms and performing periodical tests like DRE and PSA and others, as required. If the cancer is localized, surgical removal of the prostrate may be the best option. The success rate of this procedure, if caught in the early stages, is very high. But the side effects of this surgery are impotency, the inability to control urination, and other disadvantages associated with a major surgery. Laparoscopic surgery for removal of the prostrate is a new procedure.

Radiation therapy offers a non-invasive treatment, when the cancer is localized or just beyond the prostrate. But there are side effects of radiation therapy. These include injury to the rectum and bladder, bleeding rectum and bladder, urinary problems and burned skin. There are mainly two types of radiation therapy. The external beam radiation therapy uses radiation from outside to attack the cancer cells. Brachy therapy implants a small radioactive seed directly into the tumor to treat it. Cryotherapy is freezing the entire Prostrate with liquid nitrogen and killing it all, including the cancer cells. The urethra is kept heated to save the duct. Hormone deprivation therapy aims to cut off the male hormone testosterone, which is considered a fuel for cancerous cells.

There are many other chemotherapies that are very promising, especially when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, like the bones and lymph nodes. There are over 200 new therapies under development, many of them supported by the Prostrate Cancer Foundation.

About the Author:
Seth Miller
Prostate Cancer provides detailed information on Prostate Cancer, Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Prostate Cancer Treatments, Prostate Cancer Causes and more. Prostate Cancer is affliated with Prostate Health.
Added: Thu Apr 20 2006
To find other free health content see e-healtharticles.com

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

All About Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a cancerous tumor of the pleura or peritoneum. Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos. Asbestos is usually used as a fire resistant and heat resistant insulating material. You can get three types of asbestos white which i very common, blue and brown which is the most dangerous. Asbestos is now controlled by stringent regulations.

Mesothelioma causes pain and breathlessness. If you have the tumor of the pleura, this is the membrane surrounding the lungs, other symptoms which may occur are chest pain, cough and difficulty breathing more so if the pleura effusion develops the outer and inner layers of the pleura can become thickened. Excess fluid will fill the gap between them when this happens it means that the lungs can not expand, making you have shortness of breath.

If you have the tumor in the peritioneum it can cause a obstruction of the intestines or a enlarged abdomen. .Mesothelioma can be diagnosed by a chest x ray and also a biopsy. This is where a small amount of cells or tissue are taken from the body to be looked at under the microscope. If Mesothelioma is diagnosed and the cancerous tumor is small enough, surgery can be fairly successful if not and the tumor is large there is not any successful treatment, although sometimes radiotherapy may be offered to help ease the symptoms. Mesothelioma of the peritoneum cannot be operated on and there is no other form of treatment and will usually lead to death with in one or two years.

Mesothelioma can develop even after dealing with asbestos for just a short time. The usual gap between a person working with asbestos and being diagnosed can be up to twenty or thirty years. Mesothelioma is contracted by people who work
With blue and brown asbestos.

For more information please visit my CANCER SITE

About the Author:
Tony Thompson
for everything you need to know about cancer visit www.understand-cancer.com
Article Source: http://www.articles411.com

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Let's Walk For Breast Cancer - The Avon Breast Cancer Walk

Now more than ever women and men are taking part in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk fundraising campaign. This walk has been specifically set up to raise money to help in the fight against breast cancer.

Now more than ever women and men are taking part in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk fundraising campaign.

This walk has been specifically set up to raise money to help in the fight against breast cancer.

Those people who participate in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk, which is really a 2 day walk, will often raise at least $1,800 each and the event which first took place in 2003 and took place in 8 cities in the USA.

But in 2005 this changed where millions and millions of dollars was raised in donations as more women became aware of the event and took part (instead of it being a few hundred it became thousands taking part).

You will find that many of the women who take part in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk, an annual, event feel a certain amount of pride in what they have accomplished and also because they known that they have taken an active role in helping to fight this disease and well as knowing the money they have raised will not only help those diagnosed with the disease in the USA but across the world.

Each year the walk is spread over 2 days (usually Saturday and Sunday) and the decision on how far a participant actually walks is up them.

However, many of those taking part in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk often choose to walk the 26.2 miles or 42.16 km and they will spread this out over the two days (say 13.1 miles each day).

Some people actually decide to walk a complete marathon on the Saturday and then do a half marathon on the Sunday (so they will have completed a grueling 39 miles overall on the 2 days), "sounds like a long grueling weekend to me".

But at the end of the day the decision rests with the participant and no body else as to how much or little they do. In some cases they only make their decisions when they actually get to the event itself.

However, anyone who is participating in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk must actually commit themselves to raising at least $1,800 for the event.

But this may seem a large sum of money to try to be raising, but in fact it is easier than many people think.

There is a large team of back room workers involved in the even who will be able to offer assistance and advice to those taking part in their fund raising efforts and you will discover just how many people admire those who have taken part or will be taking part in the next event to fight this disease and getting donations from them will be quite easy.

Those people who register to take part in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk are assigned a member of staff from the Campaigns team and they will teach you all about fund raising but also offer essential advice on the training (physical) that they will need to carry out prior to the event.

They will answer any questions that a participant may have regarding the fund raising aspects and provide them with both a fund raising and physical training plan prior to their taking part.

Along with this anyone who participates in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk will receive a handbook containing information on both the fund raising and physical training aspects and a personal webpage which they can use in their effort to raise funds for the campaign.

The walks begin early in the morning and prior to commencement a short inspirational ceremony is conducted. while taking part in the walk the participants are also provided with a number of different support aids along the way, such as rest stops, portable toilets, water, sports drinks, and snacks and should it be required basic medical assistance.

The participants will also find that they will be served lunch while carrying out the Avon Breast Cancer Walk.

Many people who travel some distance to take part in these events will usually spend a night at the camp specifically set up (the event organizers arrange for 2 person tents to be set up and provided) and they also provide the participants with hot showers, food, massages and entertainment as well.

Then at the end of the second day (Sunday usually) another ceremony is held in the evening to celebrate what the participants have actually achieved during the last two days.

All money that is raised from this campaign is immediately placed in the Avon Foundation coffers and will be used not only for research in to the disease but also to treat those diagnosed with it.

The main goal of this campaign is to raise funds which will help those women or even men who can not afford the cost of cancer treatment such as the poor, elderly or minority groups.

It is believed that around 43 million people in the USA do not have the correct type of health insurance to cover their medical needs and approximately half of this figure is made up of women.

Certainly in research carried out both Asian American and African American women are more than twice as likely not to have the right sort of health insurance as a White American and the figure rises to as three times less likely if you happen to be a Hispanic woman living in the USA.

About the Author:
If your looking for anything regarding the national breast cancer awareness month click on over to www.ResourcesForBreastCancer.com and be sure to visit http://CancerReport.info
Submitted on 2006-10-28
Article Source: http://www.articlesarea.com/

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Natural Supplements vs. Pharmaceutical Drugs: The Politics of Surviving Cancer

It is understandable that a medicinal drug having undergone double blind studies, several years of research, and millions of dollars spent on that research, should have a place of credibility. But what if the entire system was flawed to begin with, money and time wasted on treating a symptom rather than working to find a cure or better yet, prevention of the disease? Or what if the system was more than flawed but in many cases left the person in a less healthy state after having completed treatment using a pharmaceutical drug? With all of our knowledge about how the human body works, knowing its intolerance of unnatural elements, why are we, as medical patients, so accepting of the idea that we should be treating ourselves with synthetic drugs that are virtually poison to our body? To relieve one symptom we acquire two or three new symptoms, a new chronic condition we need to deal with and, of course, another prescription medication to fill each month.

Of course, those involved in the area of holistic medicine can never claim to cure, prevent, or treat a disease, even if that is the intended outcome and regardless of the numerous individuals finding themselves to be in a state of improved health. Only drug companies can make such claims. In fact, they own those words. Whether or not that right is deserved is irrelevant. It is worth noting, however, that most natural supplements have endured centuries of product testing.

Because of my interest in finding a holistic approach to addressing cancer, I recently came to distribute a product called Natural Cellular Defense which is a patented liquid detoxification product made from zeolite technology, marketed by the company of Waiora. Initially it was being researched as a cancer drug, however, because it is all natural, it was instead introduced to the market as a supplement. Studies show Natural Cellular Defense has the ability to remove heavy metals and harmful toxins in a safe and effective manner as well as activate the p21 tumor suppressor gene in cancerous cells. It also happens to be 100% non-toxic and is completely safe for all ages. This natural health product alone could conceivably help alleviate the toxins and waste accumulating in the average person, responsible for many chronic diseases. But no matter how many people are helped by taking this natural supplement, we make no claims. It is not a drug.

For years I have been frustrated by the radical and harmful techniques employed when treating tumors in cancer patients and would like to see non-toxic methods given greater attention and legitimacy. There is also far too much time and effort placed on detection rather than prevention of the disease. Prevention is the key, not detection. Detection means the disease has had a chance to manifest itself and take hold. At the very least we should not be poisoning a body with toxic drugs once a diagnosis has been made.

Here is the list of potential side effects of chemotherapy and you be the judge as to whether this sounds like a viable treatment option: Low hemoglobin, low white blood cells, low platelets, infection, need for blood transfusion, need for platelet transfusion, pain, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, skin injury, heart damage, lung damage, liver damage, kidney damage, loss of hearing, small stature, hormonal problems such as low growth hormone or low thyroid hormone, infertility, second cancer, intellectual decline, worsening of neurological symptoms, ineffectiveness, and death.

To understand better the hypocrisy of cancer treatment, consider the following: One of the largest and most prestigious cancer treatment centers in the world, The McGill Cancer Center in Canada, did a study of oncologists to determine how they would respond to a diagnosis of cancer. On the confidential questionnaire, 58 out of 64 doctors said that all chemotherapy programs were unacceptable to them and their family members. The overwhelming reason for this decision was that they believe the drugs are ineffective and have an unacceptable degree of toxicity. Do you imagine these same doctors are recommending chemotherapy treatment to shrink their patient’s tumors? Yes, indeed they are, as they must if they wish to follow standard protocol. There are alternative, non-toxic treatments available to cancer patients, but you must work to find these natural treatments on your own.

Of course, you may find a natural treatment you would like to pursue only to discover the medical profession standing in the way of implementing your treatment plan. A few years ago, I came across a story which is truly heart breaking. It involves a two year old boy named Alexander who was diagnosed with the most common pediatric brain tumor, medulloblastoma. After substantial consideration and thoughtful research by the parents following Alexander’s two brain surgeries, the parents chose for their son a non-toxic therapy, proven to be highly effective in treatment of brain cancer. However, the FDA denied the parents access to this treatment and the parents were informed by their oncologists that without their state of the art chemotherapy, the cancer would soon return. Alexander completed his third month of chemotherapy in December 1998 and died on January 31, 1999. He was just two and a half years old.

For you see, the state-of-the-art chemotherapy protocol recommended by the oncologists had already proven itself to be ineffective in pediatric brain tumors back four years earlier. The exact same chemotherapy drugs provided to Alexander in 1998 had been administered to children of the same age with the same brain tumor as Alexander with similar results. Of course, the parents were never informed about the failure of this therapy. You should note that when the parents hesitated to bring Alexander in for chemotherapy the oncologists were already preparing to take control by court order. The parents wanted to use a non-toxic treatment alternative, proven to be effective, and yet were forced to use an ineffectual, toxic treatment.

I am afraid these parents may have been harmed twice over by the medical establishment for there is also the possibility that the brain tumor was caused by vaccinations containing Thimerosal, commonly used in vaccinations at that time and responsible for numerous cases of neurological disorders in children, such as autism, ADD/HD, and brain tumors.

You can learn more about Alexander’s story by visiting http://www.ouralexander.org/index.htm.

Just how dangerous is chemotherapy?

The following excerpt can be found on the University of Iowa’s website. Their protocol for dealing with “chemo spills” conjures images of a rather frightening scene of contamination because it is, in fact, a serious state of contamination. It reads as follows:

Patients and caregivers shall be taught safe, proper, handling and disposal of waste generated during continuous infusions of chemotherapy.

The following procedures should be implemented immediately if a chemotherapy leak or spill should occur:

1. Put on a pair of disposable latex gloves.

2. If chemo has spilled on clothing, remove immediately and take a shower, scrubbing the exposed skin with soap and water. Watch for redness, blistering, or a burning sensation. Contact your nurse to report the spill. She will give you further instructions if necessary.

3. Remove any and all sharp objects, placing them into your sharps container or any can with a lid such as a coffee can.

4. Soak up the spill with an absorbent disposable material, such as paper towels.

5. Disinfect the spill area with soap and water or a household cleaner such as window cleaner, 409, alcohol, bleach, or liquid carpet cleaner.

6. Put the absorbent material and the gloves into a chemotherapy waste container or garbage bag and carefully mark it. It will be picked up later by the pharmacy personnel.

7. If a spill occurs on a patient's or caregiver's clothing or sheets, these articles should be washed separately from regular laundry in hot water.

8. If a spill occurs on unprotected furniture, the area should be scrubbed with soap and water and rinsed with clean water while wearing protective chemo safety gloves.

9. Patients and caregivers should be taught to use care when handling vomitus or excretions of the patient for 48 hours post treatment and to use good handwashing technique.

Now imagine the “spill” they are referring to as chemicals that an individual with cancer will be taking into their body because that is indeed the case.

By no means do I wish to demonize the medical profession as a whole because there are many quality doctors and instances when prescription drugs may be necessary, however, I encourage caution when taking advice that will affect your health. It is important to consider the possibility that sometimes the medical establishment may be leading us down the wrong path. Natural therapies may not be able to claim to cure or treat disease but sometimes you need to just take a step back and perform your own due diligence, take a look at the results and come to your own conclusion.

Copyright 2006 Paula Rothstein

About the Author:
Paula Rothstein has been involved in the natural health industry for over 10 years with a specific emphasis on promoting products and introducing lifestyle changes which address chronic diseases relating to toxic overload. For more information on detoxification, please visit: http://www.medicinefreeliving.com. Comments and questions may be addressed to: Paula.Rothstein@medicinefreeliving.com.
This article was posted on March 24, 2006
Article Source: articlecity

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Selenium May Help to Prevent Prostate Cancer

According to a federally sponsored study, published by a Stanford University urologist, men with abnormally low levels of Selenium in their blood are four to five times more likely to develop prostate cancer. Selenium is a trace element that is supplied in certain foods and supplements.

The study suggests that making a point of eating Selenium-rich foods, such as Brazil nuts and tuna, or taking a Selenium supplement, may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Supplementation is especially useful for older men, as Selenium blood content decreases with patient age.

Although there are no solid statistics regarding exactly how much levels of Selenium in the blood are improved by supplementation, head researcher, James D. Brooks, MD is decidedly optimistic about the subject. He believes that supplementation could potentially be of great benefit in preventing prostate cancer, but goes on to comment that more precise research is needed in order to discern exact statistics on the extent of those benefits.

Overall, the researchers who conducted this study believe that they have made some very interesting discoveries, and that increasing levels of Selenium in the blood can significantly reduce a patient's risk of developing the most common form of cancer affecting men.

About the author:
Jeremy Maddock is the webmaster of http://www.immunewellness.com- your source for high quality information about a variety of health products, including Selenium - http://www.immunewellness.com/selenium.htm
Circulated by Article Emporium

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Skin Cancer Prevention

Skin cancer is the most common form of human cancer, affecting over a million people each year. Fortunately, it is also the most preventable type of cancer if you know what the risk factors are and how to avoid them.


A number of things can put a person at risk for skin cancer. The primary risk factors are:

+You have fair skin, red or blond hair, and light-colored eyes.

+You sunburn easily or have experienced a serious sunburn (sunburns are thought to increase your risk of skin cancer).

+You have many moles or freckles.

+You spend a lot of time working or playing outside.

+You live in tropical or subtropical climates.

+You have a family history of skin cancer, especially melanoma.

+You spent a lot of time in the sun as a child. Most skin cancers appear after the age of 50. However, the damaging effects of the sun begin in childhood.

+You tan in the sun or with a sunlamp or tanning bed. Sun lamps and tanning beds give out rays that can cause serious long-term skin damage and contribute to skin cancer.

There are other factors that can impact your risk of damage from UV light. You must be especially careful in the sun if:

+You have previously been diagnosed and treated for skin cancer, especially melanoma.

+You have any auto-immune disease such as systemic lupus.

+You have had an organ transplant.

+You take oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

+You take any antibiotics that lower your immunity.

+You take any anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, diuretic, or antidepressant drugs.

Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist about the risk of any medicines you may be taking that could be harmful to you if you are exposed to sunlight.


Skin cancer is mostly avoidable if sensible precautions are taken. The following are preventive tips for reducing your risk of developing skin cancer:

+Stay in the shade between 11am and 3 pm, when the sun is at its strongest. UV radiation is at its most intense in the middle of the day between April and September, and is strongest closer to the equator and at higher altitudes.

+You can still get burned on cloudy days. UV rays reach the ground through the clouds.

+UV rays can also pass through water. Never assume you are safe from burning because you are in the water.

+Sand and snow reflect the UV rays. Be especially careful on the beach and in the snow.

+When in the sun, wear protective clothing. Long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and long skirts offer the most protection. Dark colors are better than light colors. Tightly woven clothing protects better than loosely woven clothing.

+Always wear wide-brimmed hats that shade your face as much as possible.

+Always wear sunglasses. UV-blocking sunglasses can help protect your eyes from sun damage.

+Always apply sunscreen with a sun-protection factor (SPF) of 15 to 30 before spending time in the sun. When applying it, pay close attention to your face, ears, hands, and arms. Sunscreens should be reapplied at least every 2 hours and even more often if you are swimming or sweating. If you are also using insect repellent, make sure the sunscreen is applied first.

+Give yourself a self-exam every month for signs of skin cancer. Examine every inch of your body including your scalp. Use a mirror to expose the areas on the back of your body. Be aware of the moles you have in order to notice any changes that may occur.

To effectively prevent skin cancer, you must pay special attention to the risk factors and follow the precautionary tips that are listed above. Taking these steps will greatly decrease you and your family's chances of developing skin cancer.

About the Author:
Chris Chenoweth is the author of the DO-IT-YOURSELF HOME, HEALTH & MONEY GUIDE, 500 pages of household tips, home remedies, diet and nutrition information, health issues and thousands of recipes! http://www.money-home-biz.com.
Added: 13 Nov 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/42658.html

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Cancer and Exercise

“You have cancer.” These words rip through your entire being with the horrendous force of an atomic blast. Suddenly, everything is inside-out, upside-down. Your mind tries to wrap itself around this new and frightening reality. The somber-faced doctor looking at you from across his desk surely must have you mistaken for somebody else. How can this be? Are you kidding me? Will I die? Once having worked through the myriad of denials, when the acceptance of the news finally settles in, it does so with gut-wrenching agony.

You have entered a new and foreign world. Life is now no longer just about getting the kids ready for school, walking the dog, dropping off the laundry, planning dinner for the family, cleaning the house, meeting deadlines, spending time with friends, or the minutia of daily living. Life is now also about survival.

The speed at which things begin to happen can be terrifying. You quickly have to make some decisions regarding treatment that will move your life in a direction you never anticipated. Your life may seem like it is spinning completely out of control. “Overwhelmed” is an inadequate word for the experience.

There is nothing that can totally remove the fear and the shock of discovering that you have cancer. You can, however, do something significant that will help you regain the feeling of being in control of your life, your body, and your destiny EXERCISE!

You might be tired, depressed, frustrated, drained, worn-out, and have limited strength and functional capacity. Activities of daily living might become an unimaginable challenge. Good news; moderate physical exercise has been proven to help fight the possible physical and emotional side effects of cancer and associated treatment. It can be part of your personal recipe for living stronger.

EXERCISE, your weapon, can help you make significant improvement in the following areas; stamina, functional capacity, strength, range of motion and flexibility, treatment tolerance, self-esteem, self-confidence, increased ability to perform activities of daily living.. Exercise can also help decrease pain, decrease depression and total mood disturbances, reduce sleep problems, anxiety, nausea, and cancer related fatigue. Quite simply, it can help you get your life back.

It has long been thought that staying active can lower the risk of getting cancer, but new findings show that it can also be a valuable prescription for recovery.

A recent study, released March 2004, done by Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, found that women who exercised after breast cancer reduced their chance of dying from the disease by one-quarter to one-half, depending on their level of activity.

Although there are many expert theories, it is biologically unclear as to how exercise accomplishes this feat. Researchers do agree that moderate activity is an unquestionably safe recommendation and that it can have a myriad of benefits.

For breast cancer survivors, getting back normal range of motion in the affected arm can be challenging, at best. The surgical arm can feel extremely tight. Simple tasks, such as reaching a high kitchen cabinet can prove to be difficult. Presumably, after surgery for breast cancer, the surgeon will refer the patient to a Cancer Exercise Specialist (or a physical therapist trained to work with breast cancer patients) for initial assessment of range of motion, lymphedema precaution instructions, and exercise education. If the surgeon has not offered that as a viable option to you, ask about it.

A Cancer Exercise Specialist can put together an exercise program that is tailored to your individual needs and limitations. A regimen of progressive milestones will undoubtedly provide you with a sense of accomplishment and confidence, as well as bolster your self-esteem.

The goals of your exercise program should include; increasing your energy levels; improve your posture by stretching tight muscles and strengthening muscles that are weak; increase your range of motion through stretching and movement exercises that emphasize your upper body, and improving your quality of life by enhancing your physical and mental condition.

When you begin an exercise program, do not be discouraged if you find that you tire easily. Fighting and surviving cancer, takes emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental energy. You might also find that certain movements cause you discomfort. Working through slight discomfort is acceptable, but you should never try and work through any kind of pain.

Being consistent with your program will assist you in getting past these issues. It will also provide you with benefits you may not have even imagined possible when you were first diagnosed with cancer.

“Keeping up with a regular exercise program is great for my mental health.” It gives me something to look forward to, breaks up the monotony of my house-bound days, and gives me more energy. It helps me maintain a better self-image to see the positive changes in my body.
I feel strong and in control.

I believe that keeping physically active and keeping myself strong are going to help me fight and beat this not unconquerable enemy. Somebody has to beat the odds. There is absolutely no reason why it won’t be me.”

CJB – Stage IV uterine cancer

Hold close to your heart the fact that while cancer may have invaded your body, it does not have to invade your spirit.

About the Author:
CT Fox, Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist
CT Fox is a Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist and NSCA Certified Personal Trainer who has the privilege to work with cancer patients in the Denver area. She can be reached at 303.475.8841.
Added: Tue Mar 21 2006
To find other free health content see e-healtharticles.com

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Ovarian Cancer and High in Fat and Meat Diets

Many have speculated that high diets of fat and/or meat might increase the risks of getting ovarian cancer for women. Yet most dairy and meat associations defend their products and say that there is not comprehensive studies or research that can confirm this, in fact they say that the industries are unnecessarily being condemned for something that is most likely completely false and conjecture at best.

Many have speculated that high diets of fat and/or meat might increase the risks of getting ovarian cancer for women. Yet most dairy and meat associations defend their products and say that there is not comprehensive studies or research that can confirm this, in fact they say that the industries are unnecessarily being condemned for something that is most likely completely false and conjecture at best. Of course they have financial motivation for saying that and so one has to question their sincerity.

When reviewing these claims further we see that they may actually have a point. The World Cancer Research Fund have studied the results of the tests and research and they too have concluded that high intakes of dairy, fats and meat products may not be a risk of ovarian cancer. There have not been enough in depth studies to prove anything either way. More studies are needed to determine if these claims are correct or not.

Milk consumption may not have any increase in the risk of ovarian cancer at all. The studies seem to be too limited and those research papers suggesting such may not be viable. Although others say that commercial interests are clouding the issue and claiming that more data is needed when plenty of data and proof already exists. Yet we know that milk products are important to our diets and help in many nutritional aspects. If nutrition is neglected due to perceived risks in ovarian cancer in women, then such advice can cause other health issues.

It is imperative that all women get periodic pap tests to catch any possible ovarian cancer early that is the best advice. If you are a woman it would behoove you to do your own research and learn more about ovarian cancer. Think on this and stay informed.

About the Author:
"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
Submitted on 2005-10-05
Article Source: http://www.articlesarea.com/

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Breast Cancer, The Cure?

There is no known cure for breast cancer. More than 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year worldwide.

Scientists don't know why most women get breast cancer, yet breast cancer is the most frequent tumor found in women the world over. A woman who dies of breast cancer is robbed of an average of nearly 20 years of her life. Breast cancer knows no social boundaries. It's a disease that can affect anyone. Some prominent women who's lives that have been touched by breast cancer include Jill Eikenberry actress age 52; Peggy Fleming age 49 figure skater; Kate Jackson age 50 (Charlies Angels); Olivia Newton-John age 50 actress singer; Nancy Reagan age 77 former first lady; Melissa Etheridge age 43 singer; and the beautiful Suzanne Summers actress. These high rates of breast cancer are not acceptable to the women of the world and must be met with scientific research that provides results.

Despite over a decade of research, and more than $1.7 billion spent, hundreds of women worldwide are dying from breast cancer every day. Yet doctors don't know how breast cancer starts or how to cure it. Doctors are still approaching treatment for breast cancer in the same old fashioned ways: surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Barbaric treatments? And scientists keep doing the same old redundant research that's simply not working. It doesn't have to be that way. Gen Cells Cures is a scientific biotechnology company that is focused on a cure for breast cancer. The company is dedicated to curing breast cancer before it's too late for you. We're not interested in a cure in five, ten, or twenty years from now. We want your cure for breast cancer within a year or two. We don't want you to have to under go surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or take toxic drugs.

Why Gen Cells Cures? You can search the medical journals; you can search the internet until your blue in the face. You will find the same old news which is no new news about breast cancer research and treatments. Breast cancer research is locked up in a black whole. Gen Cells Cures is approaching the cure for breast cancer from different angles and using tomorrow's scientific technologies today. Our expertise is in stem cell research and genomics. Malfunctioning stem cells have already been linked to the development of breast cancer. We're not talking about using generic stem cells from an egg and sperm cell. There is no genetic match for you with the politically controversial generic stem cells that are always in the news. The isolation of cancer stem cells, coupled with our understanding of genetic mutations causing cancer, and our knowledge of genomics will result in ways to eliminate cancer cells while sparing normal breast tissues.

http://treat-breast-cancer.info/ has more information that you need to make an informed decision. Visit today...

About the Author:
Keith Londrie II is a renowned specialist in breast cancer and researc h. He provideds free information on the subject matter at his web site at http://treat-breast-cancer.info/ - Vist to get your questions answered now.
This article was posted on February 09, 2006
Article Source: articlecity

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Main Types of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one the most prevalent forms of cancer among the American population. Although inappropriate diet and unhealthy lifestyle considerably increase the risks of developing colon cancer, many forms of the disease occur on the premises of underlying genetic predispositions. Statistics reveal that more than 5 percent of colon cancers worldwide are caused solely by genetic dysfunctions and physiologic abnormalities. Depending on their underlying cause, colon cancers can be either acquired (sporadic colon cancers), or genetically-inherited.

Most cases of colon cancer occur due to formation of polyps in different regions of the large bowel (colon). Colonic polyps are prominent soft tissues that can easily become malignant. There are many different types of hereditary colon cancers and many of them are primarily caused by colonic polyps. The most common types of genetically-inherited colon cancers are adenomatous polyposis and Gardner’s syndrome. Non-polyposis colon cancer is also common among hereditary forms of the disease. Unlike other types of genetically-inherited colon cancers, non-polyposis colon cancer doesn’t always involve the formation of polyps. Uncommon forms of hereditary colon cancer are Peutz-Jeghers syndrome and juvenile polyposis.

Unlike non-hereditary forms of colon cancer, which are usually developed by people with ages over 50, hereditary colon cancers can occur in young people as well. In fact, some forms of genetically-inherited colon cancers are predominantly developed by very young children and teenagers.

People who have a family history of colon cancer should pay regular visits to an oncologist, as it is very important to timely reveal the signs of large bowel disease in order to maximize the chances of recovery. Discovered in its incipient stages, colon cancer can be effectively overcome through the means of surgical intervention or specific therapies. However, if colon cancer is discovered late, patients’ prognosis is generally uncertain.

Colonoscopy is a very common and reliable method of revealing traces of colon cancer in patients. Through the means of colonoscopy, doctors can quickly spot potential signs of abnormalities at the level of the large bowel. Colonoscopy is very useful in the process of diagnosing hereditary or sporadic forms of colon cancer, as it can easily reveal the presence of malignant colonic polyps or extended tumors. People who have blood-relatives affected by colon cancer are very exposed to developing the disease as well. Thus, they should receive frequent examinations with colonoscopy in order to timely discover signs of malignant activity at the level of the large bowel.

Both acquired (sporadic) and hereditary colon cancers are life-threatening diseases and they need to be discovered as soon as possible in order to minimize the risk of morbidity. Colon cancers have an unpredictable pattern of evolution and their development is strongly influenced by genetically-inherited abnormalities. While lifestyle improvements and healthy diet can diminish the risks of developing sporadic colon cancer, people with underlying physiological abnormalities of the large bowel are very vulnerable to developing hereditary colon cancer regardless of their actions.

About the Author:
Groshan Fabiola
For more resource on different colon cancer subjects please click this www.colon-cancer-center.com. You can also find valuable information about colon cancer diet or even about colon cancer symptoms
Article Source: http://www.articles411.com

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Graviola supplements has been shown to have an effect on cancer cells

What Is Graviola?

Graviola is a powerful tree that grows deep within the Amazon rain forest in South America and throughout the Caribbean. Graviola various parts, including the leaves, roots, fruit, fruit seeds, and bark, have been used for centuries by medicine men and women and natives of South America to treat asthma, liver problems, arthritis and heart disease. Different properties and uses are attributed to the different parts of the tree. Generally, the graviola fruit and graviola fruit juice are taken for worms and parasites, to cool fevers, to increase mother's milk after childbirth, and as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery. The crushed seeds are used against internal and external parasites, head lice, and worms. The bark, leaves, and roots are considered sedative, antispasmodic, hypertensive, and nervine, and a tea is made for various disorders toward those effects.

Nearly 25 years ago it was discovered that the leaf of the graviola tree contained natural compounds having exceptional cytotoxic activity. In other words, they had a very strong ability to prevent abnormal cellular division. In that sense, Graviola supplements is considered a unique product for immune support, assisting the immune system in cleaning abnormal tissue growth. The plant has been used for centuries by medicine men in South America to treat a number of ailments, including hypertension, influenza, rashes, neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatism, high blood pressure, diarrhea, nausea, dyspepsia, ulcers, ringworm, scurvy, malaria, dysentery, palpitations, nervousness, insomnia, fever, boils and muscle spasms. According to recent research it also protects the immune system, boosts energy and may have strong anti-cancerous properties. Producers claim it is stronger at killing colon cancer cells than common chemotherapeutic drugs and that it hunts down and destroys prostate, lung, breast, colon, and pancreatic cancers, while leaving healthy cells alone.

Forms of Graviola

Graviola Extract : Graviola extract, consumed orally or applied to the skin, is believed to alleviate muscle and joint pain. Graviola extract is available in liquid or tincture. Graviola tincture is better than a raw herb product because the graviola tincture is already separated and thus the various essential elements of the plant are more easily ingested into the body. Not only does this mean that a graviola tincture works faster, but also that the body does not have to expend additional energy to break down the herb for digestion of its therapeutic properties. This greater bioavailability means that a spagyric remedy is both more efficient and more effective than a typical herbal product.

Graviola Tea: Graviola herb tea, made from the leaves, bark and root is believed to work as a sedative and help maintain healthy glucose levels. Graviola tea is consumed daily to elevate mood and increase quality of life. Graviola tea taken orally or applied on the skin is also used as an insect repellent.

Graviola Leaves: In Brazil, Indigenous people crush Graviola leaves and blend the oozing oil from the leaves with the Graviola fruit. This preparation is used topically for the alleviation of muscle and joint pain.

Graviola Fruit: Graviola fruit is eaten regularly throughout South America as a delicious and refreshing fruit during a hot summer day. Many of the indigenous applications of Graviola have been substantiated by science, and further exceptional properties have been discovered.

Benefits And Uses Of Graviola

  • Maintain intestinal environment
  • Maintain the body's defense system
  • Purify the body of toxins
  • Support the body in healing itself
  • Enhance immune and circulatory systems
  • Support for lymphatic system
  • Elevate mood and increase quality of alife
  • Alleviate muscle and joint pain.

Graviola supplements has been shown to have an effect on cancer cells which can be of great benefit to someone who is fighting cancer. Graviola is considered an important ally in the combat of more than twelve types of cancer, like lung, breast, prostate, among others. In vitro studies, conducted in more than twenty laboratories, show that graviola can provide a ten thousand times better improvement than treatment with chemotherapy. Scientists are proving its real efficiency in combating cancer. In the majority of cases, natural plant treatments give our life-force the necessary vitality for recovery, and in addition improves the perspective life of the sick person. Using extracts of this powerful tree, a full and natural therapy can be possible without the severe side-effects from the chemotherapy, e.g., nausea and loss of hair.

"Graviola is 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer than adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug"

More Detail About Graviola

About the Author:
By Rosa parks
Added: 21 Oct 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/40069.html

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Menopause and Cancer

AFTER the menopause, a woman may experience changes that may or may not be related to decreased hormone levels. These include serious conditions like cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and cancer. Early measures taken may prevent or detect these conditions early.
There is no increased risk of cancer with the menopause. Cancer is not as common as heart attacks or strokes. There are different types of cancer that affect women. All women, especially senior women, must be aware of the common cancers that affect them.

Breast cancer is the commonest cancer. It is feared most by women and is frequently the focus of the media so much so that many women think it is a very common condition.

In fact, its incidence is much less than cardiovascular disease or osteoporosis. When detected and treated early, it is very amenable to treatment.

Death rates have declined in recent years. The five-year survival rate for localised cancer is more than 90%. The factors that increase the risk of breast cancer include:

• Age. The risk increases with age reaching about 10% by 80 years of age.
• Heredity. A woman's risk is increased if her mother or sister had the condition, especially if before the menopause.
• Early age of first period.
• Never been pregnant.
• Obesity
• Alcohol consumption.
• Sedentary lifestyle.
• Long term ( ie.more than five years) hormone therapy (HT) has been reported to be associated with a slightly increased risk of breast cancer.
• Radiotherapy for other cancers.

Cervical cancer is very treatable if detected early with five-year survival rates of more than 90%.

It is thought to be caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which is acquired through sexual intercourse. Most HPV infections do not result in cervical cancer. The risk of HPV increases with early sexual intercourse, multiple partners, smoking and HIV infection. Neither the menopause nor the use of hormone therapy increases the risk of cervical cancer.

Endometrial (uterine) cancer is very treatable if detected early with five-year survival rates of 95%.

The risk factors of endometrial cancer include:

• Early age of first period.
• Late menopause.
• Never been pregnant.
• Obesity.
• Diabetes.
• Hypertension.
• Use of oestrogen without progestogen.
• Use of tamoxifen.

Previous pregnancy and the use of the birth control Pill appear to provide some protection against endometrial cancer.

Ovarian cancer is not common yet it causes more deaths than any other cancer of the reproductive organs, mainly because it usually presents at an advanced and less curable stage. One of the main reasons for its late detection is the absence of symptoms in the early stages. If detected and treated early, five-year survival rates can exceed 90%.

The risk of ovarian cancer increases with age, especially in women who have never been pregnant or those with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer. The risk is lower in those who have been pregnant, used birth control Pills or had tubal ligation. Neither the menopause nor the use of hormone therapy increases the risk of ovarian cancer.

Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death in women in many developed countries. The increase parallels the increasing number of women who smoke cigarettes. As such, it can be expected to pose a problem for Malaysian women in future.
Colorectal cancer is not associated with the menopause but with increasing age, a family history of the cancer, colorectal polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, physical inactivity and smoking.

Most cancers can be successfully treated today. The most important factor in treatment success is early detection. Regular check ups and the early seeking of medical attention is advisable for not only menopausal women but all seniors.

About the Author:
Added: Wed Apr 26 2006
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